Well guys, I've been walking my ass off since my last post. All I've found is a broken off tine(prolly from a fight, piece of tine is 8+"s long). A squirrel or yote prolly carried it to where I found it because it was in the wide open in an area I've covered at least 4 times already. I've walked about 8-10 miles over the past week and already tore a hole in my new Lacrosse Burlys. FUGG!!! Anyhow I've taken a few pics along my treks that I felt interesting. Here they are:
This is a nice rub inside a growed up fenceline right in the middle of Boneheads area. Is it him? don't know but it's still impressive:
Here are two nice rubs I found along the Ohio River on a shed hunting trip:
Here is a big tree nearly felled by some beavers in the same area:
Here is a pic of a broken off tine, it's over 8" long: