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Stark County late season GIANT!!!!!!!!


Junior Member
No one will ever know for sure. Not even the gw. But if something looks like a monster whitetail from the city, and smells like a fish, and numerous locals are questioning(ppl who KNOW of this deer's whereabouts), then, People should question the fishy part.
If this were a buck that my friends nor I had any clue of I wouldn't question it. BUT its "my backyard" and I have knowledge that contradicts the story. So I'm sharing.


*Supporting Member*
If the dude did wrong the DNR will sort it out . Perhaps he's making a crude attempt to protect his hunting local hoping it won't be overrun.? Perhaps he did something illegal ? If so he's pretty naive to think you could kill a deer of this caliber and not have every bit of your hunting career brought up and questioned ?
I hope for his sake its the first one , but whatever he did , and has done will be scrutinized . If wrong doing occurred then he'll be hung . I'm hoping it was a legit harvest and the hunter can enjoy his few minutes in the spotlight .


Junior Member
It's hard to believe no previous year pics of this deer hasn't surfaced that I know of. Anyone know if this deer was photographed the year before?


Junior Member
And as far as this deer goes, the hunter who killed it was quiet. His friend released the pics and story of him killing it. Now, a 250"+ buck (that people already know of and where he lives) gets shot by you and you don't want to tell people?????, and your buddy shares the deer.???? And to this day no word from the hunter!?? Smells like a giant dead fish to me.
When I say people know of this deer I'm not meaning a few hunters. I'm talking maybe close to 100 or so ppl approximately. Many ppl have photos of this deer from cameras and phones.

I just can't imagine it. YES I would lie to get people off the trail of my spot as well. But if I knew an abundance of people were aware of this deer's home and I shot this deer, why would I want to keep quiet??? BTW if I shot it you guys would all know where it was because you would hear me screaming and crying like a baby once I found him.
And I'm not saying it was an illegally taken deer, but there are A LOT of holes in the story and I have info that refutes the story and facts about the deer that make the holes suspicious. That's all. And I'm sharing them with you all. Take them for what you wish.


*Supporting Member*
Oh yeah , he'll be looked into . Trust me, if he did anything wrong the DNR will find out , confiscate the deer , and with a deer that size be fined $20,000 or so .


Junior Member
Yes Bobbie this deer was photographed the prior year. I watched him sit in a field as 5 cars stopped and people were getting out of their vehicles to take pictures. I tried to get a pic but the police scooted the cars along and the buck got up and slowly walked in the bushes. I used to drive his area quite frequently to see him and the others(still do) and anytime I saw him. Someone was stopped with a phone or camera out the window.


Junior Member
Funny how the many want to to know where he was killed exactly but won't divulge where exactly he was seen alive


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Well. I think questioning it is normal. How many times have big deer been shot in this state and it turns out in the end it was a bunch of BS or shot illegally. From what I've seen it's about 50% of the time.

I would say when a buck is spotted in a city area that doesn't allow hunting and the locals are very very familiar with him being in that area for years. Then someone claims they shot him miles and miles away from the place he's lived for years, that is highly suspicious. Especially when someone who lives on the road the hunter claims to have shot him on says no way.

And for those saying the DNR is good at investigating kills knows nothing of police work. It's not hard to sprinkle around some blood and hair and gut him out to stage a kill site. Not saying that happened here, just saying it's incredibly easy to stage. Remember, it's not what they suspect but what they can prove. Short of an eyewitness or confession they can't really do crap but take his word for it, and a little l planting hair, blood, and guts goes a long way towards making that word look solid in court.