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Hunting In Ohio

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An Amateurs Take On His First Longbeard
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It was the spring of 2017 and I was pulling trail cameras in one of my favorite spots to shed hunt anxiously waiting to get home and see if any bucks have shed yet. I look around for some sheds with no success and head home. I get the computer out and pop in my SD –card. As I flip through the...
Keep Ohio’s coyote season open
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In an effort to bring this to the forefront and not buried in a thread please sign the below petition to keep a the Ohio coyote season open and not require the purchase of a further permit.

It was recently sent to the Ohio wildlife counsel as a proposed regulation change to run the coyote...
‘Pulled the Trigger’
  • 20,422
  • 45
I recently upgraded my 2017 regular sporting barrel $229.00 ‘Savage Arms' Axis XL Bolt/Short Action WIN .308 Rifle. My rifle build...

I created this thread specifically to share my experience for anyone who may also consider much the same in the future. Considering all the different...
Baiting Mature Bucks.
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I'll begin by saying I don't believe anyone can have this down to a science. This is after all an animal that possesses a sense of self-preservation honed over hundreds of thousands of years. No matter how finely tuned that sense is however, it can always be exploited. I've managed to...

The Saga of Bob Tom the Turkey.

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As the sun rose without a gobble there we were; grinding it out on the same property I shot my bird on a week prior. Prior to the season, there were about four or five toms on this property. They were still here as evident by some close calls the week and weekend prior.

There was one bird...
The "Broken" Benelli Bird
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  • 33
My turkey season has not gone how I'd anticipated due to changing jobs a week before the season started. I was scheduled to have the first 10 days of the season off, but gave that up when I switched gigs. With my wife's new work schedule, I couldn't even hunt the first hour, and we were gone...

Ohio Deer Season Countdown

September 28 2019
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