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Ty's first season - 2019


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
If you are hunting out of blinds, get yourself a Caldwell Fieldpod. It will add several yards onto his effective range. It also holds the crossbow at the ready in case it takes a while for the deer to give you a shot. Amazon has a smoking hot price right now at $59. https://www.amazon.com/Caldwell-Dea...well+fieldpod&qid=1568594154&s=gateway&sr=8-1

Completely agree cspot. Him holding the bow is too much even though it's for smaller framed shooters. I opted to go with the Vanguard VEO 234TU shooting stick. Really like the swivel ball, stable base, rotating head and small footprint of a single stick. I'll also use it in my hunts in different areas.

Might just tote that crossbow and stick around at Waterloo the weekend of strouds.😁

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This is the most exciting chapter you’ll ever have in the hunting world! I’m excited for you guys. Obviously the best hunting memories I have were taking my kids hunting. Enjoy every minute.
I’m not familiar with the particular shooting stick you mentioned, but every single stick I ever tried caused a pendulum effect. The dead shot does not and is worth the extra effort IMO. Rock solid. Taking a kid hunting requires extra effort, lots of trial and error and that is all part of the fun.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Good stuff man and best of luck to you guys this year. My boy is 8 and FINALLY showing some interest.

They are all different for sure. I have wanted to have him tag along for years on hunts as he has always been attached to my hip whenever I'm outside. It was hard not to push him, so I am hopeful the home grown interest only keeps growing. I felt 7-9 would be when he finally makes up his mind. My middle son, Myles, I expect will float in and out through the years. I bet he only goes as it's something big brother is doing so he should/can too lol.

It helps that we have deer in the yard, in the back field and in the side woods. They simply can't get away from it, even when eating dinner. My wife is the one who has suffered the most but she knew what she was getting into!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Long overdue for an update on this thread. I shared this with Nate at Strouds, forgot to add the update.

BLUF: Ty is happy to just join dad on some hunts this year, won't be toting a weapon.

Early Oct:
All equipment was acquired and we had a real life setup in the backyard - blind, chairs, shooting pod, crossbow, 3D deer target.

During our first practice session, we went through everything from start to finish via a talk. Then it was time to sit in the seats, ensure our layout in the blind worked and give him a good range of motion without me or packs being in the way. We whispered and acted like we were in the woods. I told him a deer was coming in, but was facing right at us and we had to wait until it turned broadside. Ty got on his feet and shouldered the bow in the pod and worked to get the top green dot to it's spot behind the front leg. I could see the frustration begin to build as he worked to understand how the pod rotated. After what seemed like an eternity, he was finally on target. I made him hold it for a few seconds then told him the deer is broadside and that he was clear to take the safety off and squeeze when ready.

Man, that 30secs or seemed like an eternity. Frustration and emotion overcame him. He sat down and started crying and said he couldn't do it. I didn't push the issue and said thats enough so we cleaned up. Been a long time since I saw that look of extreme disappointment on his face. When trying to talk with him later, he wouldn't give me a straight answer on how he felt and what happened. This continued as I tucked him into bed that evening, hoping he was ready to open up. Nope....so not sure if it was just the pressure of the mock scenario or if it was the killing portion of the scenario that finally hit him.

So even almost 2 months later, he hasn't come clean with how he feels or what he felt that day. I do know that I'm glad it happened in the backyard and not in the woods. He has only expressed interest in going along for the ride this year and of course that still works for me and I'm looking forward to getting him out with me, but he hasn't pushed the issue. He played fall soccer this year and it went until mid-Oct. Not sure if the constant go go go between practices during the week and games on weekends and now he can just chill or what...but I can't wait to show him that the big 11 is starting to slip up, hopefully it gets a spark going again....





Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good move not pushing him. He will let you know when, and if, he is ready. If he is just wanting to tag along then take advantage of that. Maybe he just needs to see what truly develops without being the one behind the trigger. Let him sit in the blind with you without any pressure. Hopefully you see some action and it lights the fire.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
As we talked about this then, and you bringing it up now, you played the cards right. My girls aren't sold on shooting a living animal and it shows. So after your experience I've slowed things down. It was really hard not to start pushing again after Jesse's daughter put the hammer down. I'll keep them doing what they like and if they want to take that step, we will.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Can’t believe I missed this thread!😐

This is awesome Adam and Ty!!! You’re going at it the right way Adam, like others have said, he’ll let you know if and when he’s ready. This will be a great experience for you both, ENJOY THE RIDE🤗👍🏻