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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Dignitary Member
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North Central Ohio
Jesse, that target is well beyond my interest to obtain for endurance! Did I mention I hate running? I hate long distance running, but still love sprinting. Body not so much.

Mike, it starts this AM. Feel to call and just scream later this week after you open the fridge and make eye contact with one of those cans or bottle and they start calling your name. WE got this.


Staff member
Coincidentally, it's on my calendar today to order my wellness panel. I'm not quite where I want to be for my baseline, but very close. I don't want to play the regular health system games, so I'm open sourcing things and after some research, landed on the below as my choice.

Personally when it comes to your baseline the best thing you can do is go in and have all your bloodwork done when you are in your normal state. By that I mean your average weight and eating and drinking as you normally would. You already are considering making lifestyle changes so IMO it's best to get it checked first, when you likely are at your worst (so to speak). That way you can see the effects of what you cut out of your diet and or drink as well as increased exercise on your body in your 6 month wellness check-up. I'm one to talk though as you all can see this temple of fitness next time we meet up for an outing!! :ROFLMAO:


*Supporting Member*
Coincidentally, it's on my calendar today to order my wellness panel. I'm not quite where I want to be for my baseline, but very close. I don't want to play the regular health system games, so I'm open sourcing things and after some research, landed on the below as my choice.

I’ve always liked this idea of regular work and monitoring individual baselines vs. averages. I need to do more research on this as well.
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Staff member
Personally when it comes to your baseline the best thing you can do is go in and have all your bloodwork done when you are in your normal state. By that I mean your average weight and eating and drinking as you normally would.
That's my target actually. I want to get back to pre-COVID me. I was on that path for 5 years steady and would have stayed on it had life not been totally altered in March 2020. Between the job change and the disruption in life, I never returned to where I should have stayed.
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I'm down almost 5# as of this morning just with diet changes. Going to start increasing my fasting times.

My plan is to buy a treadmill for the new house or in my garage once the weather breaks and i can start parking outside without frost. I need to get my cardio back in some semblance of shape.

I'll never touch my 5k pr again and that's the hardest thing for me and running. My 16:53 as a 148# 6'2" h.s. runner isn't coming back anytime soon. But i enjoy running when my body is used to it but my location doesn't have safe roads to run on. So a treadmill it is, between tunes and streaming shows on a tablet up get it done on my time.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Weds 3/1 is already set for the doc. appt., I've been 200-222lbs since '02, 20-21 years of unhealthy living will still be present🤣

Baseline goal is to see that damn "1" as a first number. Its where I should be but college, beer, marriage and children were my excuses. They're now old enough and schedule is such that i have no more excuses.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Coincidentally, it's on my calendar today to order my wellness panel. I'm not quite where I want to be for my baseline, but very close. I don't want to play the regular health system games, so I'm open sourcing things and after some research, landed on the below as my choice.

Looking forward to seeing how this shakes out Jesse, keep us updated.

Now where did I put those Oreo's?!


Active Member
Keene, OH
I get the not running @Hedgelj , that's been the hardest part for my maintenance. With my back arthritis, I just can not pound the miles out. At 6'1" 200-210 my entire 34 year military I ran, average 10 miles a week, 3 runs, did 5 1/2 marathons and lots of shorter ones. That works to 17,680 miles discount some weeks where I know I didn't it's a solid 15,000 of running 6.75(only for PT tests)-7.75 min miles. That's how I ate and drank and still stayed in shape. I also collapsed my discs and am now 5'11". Went the triathlon route to do more low impact, now just bike and swim.

Actually, now I just eat and drink.. :rolleyes:. been pinging the 215-220 mark and unhappy with it. Following you guys and this thread is a help. I started... well really just delayed the inevitable until 1 Jan 2023. heading for a maintenance weight of 195-200. 200, that'll be my cue to STOP whatever behavior is causing it. Doc said go get a heart artery scan and start my baseline (Strike 1), my declining back (Strike 2), just general heath with 60 in the coming year (Strike 3). That's it, just gotta make the necesary adjustments to the control levers and do it. 217 on 1 Jan, 211 yesterday with goal weight Apr May'ish.
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Most of the time when I’m checking TOO I’m working out. I just finished a kettlebell and body weight back / core workout. This week was all light weight, higher rep movements. Next week will be something different to mix it up.

When you’re beginning to get in shape (and no, round isn’t a shape 😂), the biggest thing is getting started. Then once you get started, the next biggest thing is holding yourself accountable.

Give yourself 30 minutes a day to move… Run, bike, body weight, yoga, weight train, whatever. Do it for 30 minutes, five days a week and don’t let yourself accept your own excuses, because we’ve all got them. Hold yourself accountable and move.