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My Dad


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Tough to communicate how I'm feeling. He's 66 years old, and has been diagnosed with Lou Gehrigs disease. He's always been my biggest hero. He always had time to take my brother and I fishing, hunting, mushroom hunting, etc... He's the smartest guy I know. The guy always took care of his body, and urged all of us to do the same. And now his will be letting him down. I've watched him shrink from 175lbs to about 135lbs over the last year. They've ran a plethora of test's, and are almost certain it's ALS. For awhile I've been pissed at the world and all the fairness. But visiting him the other night got me straightened out. Dad pointed out he's fortunate to be here as long as he is. He was born a triplett, with the other 2 baby boys dead at birth. He only found this out a few years ago when he had to get a birth certificate to travel to Canada. He and his siblings had heard Grandma had twin boys die at birth, but they never knew the whole story. Then when he was 19, he was drafted into the Vietnam War. On February 29th, 1968, his whole damn platoon was blown apart. Dad took a mortar round to the abdomen and neck. He was flung on a chopper with other soldiers, mostly dead and dying ones (the stories he's told me are chilling). He was given care at a field hospital in DeNang and remembers personel basicall saying he wasnt gonna make it. Then after numerous surgies there, their hospital came under attack by VC. He has only 1 fully functional kidney, shrapnel still in his neck, and a clamp that holds his jugular in place (thats fun going through airport security, haha). He was told by Dr's that he'd never be able touse his left arm again, but within 2 years had full use of it. Then the crazy stories of near death experiences from being a crazy youth in the late 60's with fast cars and fast women. He has a few more test's to go either to confirm it, or debunk something else. I asked him if he felt up to sitting in a ground blind with me a short 50 yards from the road during gun season, but he thinks he's too weak. Probablywhat's worse for me is seeingall the fugging leeches of family member swarming around hoping to score on free shit. I chickened out the other night. I wanted to ask him if there's anything special he wanted done before or after with anything. IMO, he's fading pretty fast and I know I hafta have the conversation with him eventually. Maybe just wait and see if he initiates it. I guess my mind and fingers are racing covering some totally random stuff. Just trying to keep perspective. Thanks


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Very sorry to hear. It sounds like you guys are really close. I have a good friend that is 40 and was diagnosed with ALS at 36. It is a very sad thing to watch happen. Sounds to me like your dad is a fighter and a survivor and will be strong. The best you can do is be strong for him as well. Hang in there, man. I hope the tests come back with better news.


Staff member
Talk to him dude. It won't be an easy conversation, but you'll be thankful you had the talk with him.

Breaks my heart to hear this as I am also close to my dad. He'll be 60 in March and I realize someday I will have to face the demise of one of the best men I've ever known. Having not walked in your shoes, I have nothing to offer other than enjoy every moment you can with him from here on out. Wish you strength and courage in your journey. We'll always be here for a place to vent.

As for the family, nobody will screw you like family. So don't be surprised by anything and do what you can to protect those who deserve it, from those who don't...


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Talk to him dude. It won't be an easy conversation, but you'll be thankful you had the talk with him.

Breaks my heart to hear this as I am also close to my dad. He'll be 60 in March and I realize someday I will have to face the demise of one of the best men I've ever known. Having not walked in your shoes, I have nothing to offer other than enjoy every moment you can with him from here on out. Wish you strength and courage in your journey. We'll always be here for a place to vent.
As for the family, nobody will screw you like family. So don't be surprised by anything and do what you can to protect those who deserve it, from those who don't...

Sorry to hear about this Red. I have to agree with Jess, spend as much time as you can and talk as much as he will let you. They are not going to be easy questions for you to ask and they are not going to be easy for him to answer but it is something that needs to be done. I never got to have the adult relationship with my father as he died only 9 years older then I am right now. Yup, he was 45 and I had just turned 21 a month and half before he passed. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of things I wish I would have asked or talked about.
If you have the time do it and do it soon. If you wait, there will be days you will be in my shoes and wish you had.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Thanks for the kind words fellas. I'm gonna take your advice and talk to him ASAP about what he wants/needs. I just didnt want him to feel as if i was thinking he was already gone. A funny from the other night: My dad says "Fuggin Lou Gehrig. Just another reason to hate the Yankees! Iron Horse my ass"rotflmao


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I'm really sorry to hear this. Your dad sounds like a great man and tell him I said thank you for his service in Vietnam. I agree with Jesse, you have to have that talk with him. It will be hard but you will be glad you did it.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Sorry too hear of this Red.... But from someone who lost a parent and not have said half of what you just said too us..... Tell him what you told us..... Hero part and all..... Spend as much time as you can and don't dwell on what the outcome will be....


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Thanks for the kind words fellas. I'm gonna take your advice and talk to him ASAP about what he wants/needs. I just didnt want him to feel as if i was thinking he was already gone. A funny from the other night: My dad says "Fuggin Lou Gehrig. Just another reason to hate the Yankees! Iron Horse my ass"rotflmao

That's funny shit right there.

Your Dad sounds like a great man. Tough to the core & will be fighting everything, every step along the way. Be there for him & have the conversation you've been thinking about. It's never easy, but at the same time you don't want ot look back and say, "I wish I woulda..." Try to enjoy every moment you get.

And like the other have said, protect your family from those "so called" family that just show up in times like these. We've all got 'em in our family, and the good thing is that we know who they are.

You're in our prayers at the Curran house.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thoughts and prayers with you and your family, Red. We are all heading to our own demise, its a sad reality of life. Its in some ways more difficult to be told its coming soon, but take advantage of the knowing if you can. Your dad has faced death a lot is sounds like, he's probably more comfortable discussing matters with you than you are with him. Do what you can to put his mind at ease by asking what he'd like for you to do. Its a horrible thing to have to do, but it is what a good son like you can do to give your dad some peace of mind. Hang in there, Red.


Tatonka guide.
Superman ALWAYS passes on his cape. Most of the time people don't know they are already wearing it. Prayer sent