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Washington County Poacher


Senior Member
We only had two wardens from the 1960's or so until a couple years ago when Eric Bear took over. Our former GW had a reputation for being a Grade A asshole and eventually lost his job as the District 4 investigator after getting popped for a DUI last summer. Stone was a HATED man in this county and ruled with a "little mans" syndrome. His vehicles got shot up more than once...


Winstanley was the GW before Stone and from everything I've heard, he was a no-nonsense old timer that would bust your ass in a heart beat. I'm still trying to figure out where the new guy fits in...

I agree about the other two... Grade A....


*Supporting Member*
I think we are all being naive if we think situations like this aren't happening in every county of Ohio. Poaching on a large scale takes place all over.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Just give him an old fashion ass whippin...... If he continues do it again.... he can't be that fuggin stupid..... :smiley_crocodile:


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I'll tell you man, I hope this kid gets busted. It really burns my ass that I play by the rules and work really hard to pass on deer and try and take a nice buck, then some jack ass comes in trespassing and poaches a deer so he can brag to his buddies about killing another dandy. It's getting old how things are done around home, and it would be nice to see them change, but with one of the biggest counties in Ohio to patrol, I doubt one game warden is gonna make much of a difference. I hope you can put together the evidence to bust this kid Jesse.

Got One

Junior Member
That really sucks Jesse!! I pay good money every month and set up sanctuary, food plots and cabin to hunt maybe 6-8 times a year. Try to practice QDM and grow nice deer and this turd shoots 20 bucks from the area. Jason sent me a pic of the buck shot in the spine and what a shame. A nice 2.5 year old 10 pt with loads of potential. I grew up in the Cleveland hood and we handle matters a little different. Let me catch him...............


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
This situation comes right back around to a big reason or another reason why our deer herd numbers are way down!!! Gosh dang it!!! The fuggin ODNR can't pull their head out of their ass long enough to take notice. Here's one lowlife individual who's taken out 20 plus deer that aren't even accounted for. Is he the only one doing it? I would say not!

We have a rather large farm really close to our area in the SE that hit the herd hard with kill permits every year and this same group are also big buck hunters during their annual 25 man plus deer driving army. 4 or 5 of them kill alot of deer in the fall using these KP then have the audacity to complain they haven't jumped many deer up during gun season! WTF!!! It's cause you killed them all with rifles during the off season you dumb asses! I can imagine how many big bucks they kill and don't turn over to the GW!

Bottomline: couple these two huge factors along with EHD,roadkills and predation it's easy to understand how the over estimation can occur if they aren't even in the conversation!

I'm done venting..... But I don't feel any better cuz NOTHING will change. FUGG


Staff member
We had a huge EHD die off down here in 2007 or 2008 and I can promise you the DNR never took that in to account when they decided to increase our tags and opportunities. Poaching in this county is rampant and easy to get away with. If you asked 1,000 hunters around here how man DNR officials they see in a year, I bet 900 of them would answer "none" and the 100 that do see them, most of them are during gun season. There is a weak, weak presence of law enforcement in this county and it fosters the lawlessness that exists around here...


I just dont think there's much you can do..But it cant hurt to try. Most of these crimes wont hold up in court unless the perpatraitor is caught in the act on film. Put yourself in the shoes of the defense lawyer. You have to have solid evidence or the defense lawyer will have a field day. Most of these cases just dont have a chance and the GW's know this.

Next year..Have the GW put a Robo deer in your field. It may take days or it may take weeks for the perpatraitor to show up..But ..if you can somehow get it on film..You got em. You may spend the entire season chasing these criminals..Its not an easy task because they have the element of surprise. If it were me, I would hunt them like i hunt these older bucks...Sit and wait for days or weeks on end. Eveunatually..Youll get em. ..if you have enough patience.

As for me, I take poaching into consideration when i choose a hunting area..I ask myself this question..."Can a big buck do whatever he does in his life and not be seen by humans?"...If I can say"Yes" about the area ive chosen..Well..then I hunt it. Areas with fields make it very easy for poachers...Myself and my buddies are all killin our big bucks in the deepest woods we can find ..far..far away from the fields.

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I'm fighting the same thing in Licking County...I'm on a 5 year Antler Growing Program and all my deer disappeared in one year!...Last year I could show you at least 7 or 8 shooter bucks with 6 cameras. This year I am running 9 cameras and cannot show you but one shooter with a rack at current time. Word on the street is they're shooting them at night and calling them in as a bow kill. They've done everything but buy the poachers the bullets. They told me that poachers are going to poach. I told them: Yea, and even honest men will give to temptation. They had no answer for me. This tagging system is the worst thing they can do. The next World Record Deer was estimated to come from Ohio........I seriously doubt that now.


The Crew
Simple solution to the problem.
Get a picture of a 290 plus inch deer. Build up a good story for the locals.
Leak out the info to the GW and the poacher.
The GW will watch the area and maybe even get out the fake buck deer for the poacher to shoot at.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Simple solution to the problem.
Get a picture of a 290 plus inch deer. Build up a good story for the locals.
Leak out the info to the GW and the poacher.
The GW will watch the area and maybe even get out the fake buck deer for the poacher to shoot at.

Have been talking with everyone local that's involved with being raped by these guys....deciding how we want to handle it. I witnessed in person enough to burn them (Watched a guy fetch a deer out of a NO Hunting Zone with his brothers 4 wheeler) Plus, personally witnessed the spot lights and even talked with him in person. He is a Cocky Smuck! He says he doesn't see what the big deal is, cause they're not our deer. But really they are cause we have a legal place to hunt around here and he does not! Plus another neighbor has seen him in action TOO. I am pushing for busting his balls right now. Couple guys wanna wait until next year and set him up red handed...... I don't wanna wait and let him have even one more deer!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
What a puke! I hope he eventually gets what he deserves! I wonder if the ODNR really cares about poaching in the first place:

1) reducing the number of deer
2)no difference than kill permits except without permission

About the only reason for them to really get a chubby for busting someones balls would be going after those who are gunning for the 170's and up. For two reasons: 1) for the high dollar fine 2) they're prolly after the same deer.
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