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Washington County Poacher


Staff member
Thanks to a heads up from Ohiosam last week, I was able to catch wind of a serious poaching ring here in Washington County via a thread created on OS. The OP of the thread stated they had found 15 dead bucks with the racks removed this fall and even went as far as to say who he believed the poacher to be. I was neither shocked nor surprised when he stated Logan Smith (a former best friend of my cousin) was the suspect. I've known Logan for a few years now and you'll never find a kid with more "oblivious" parents than he has. No possible way their "little angel" could be involved in such a racket. However, I know better and it seems most of the neighborhood, including his own family (cousins and uncles) know better as well...

The buck Got One posted with the .177 pellet base in its backstraps came from right down the road from Logan's grandmother. During the bonus weekend, my cousin drove a decent 10 out of a thick holler on my uncle's farm and the buck had been shot in the spine with a .223ish caliber rifle a few days prior. Last week, Logan's own grandmother reported hearing a "rifle and shotgun" go off late one night and upon further investigation, tire tracks were found all over her hay field. This activity alone is within a 1/2 mile radius of my uncles farm and Got Ones place.

I spoke with one local farmer who was well aware of Logan's mischief and suggested a "blanket party" to solve the issue now that he was 18. After that conversation, I spoke with Logan's cousin (who I grew up with) and his uncle. It was relayed to me that Logan admitted to holding the spotlight, but not to shooting the deer. His cousin told me they found 13 bucks with racks cut off and his uncle found one right behind his house with the rack cut off. Logan was bragging at school and around home that they killed 20+ deer in one night recently and somewhere along the line, it has been rumored he is selling the racks to someone. There is a local guy here buying antlers buy the pound and I have a sneaking suspicion he is involved.

Here comes the issue: From the sounds of things, our GW is not going to do much about it. I have not spoken to him directly, but plan to do so in the near future. I am going to begin collaborating with the locals to build our own case on the matter. I had a shitty enough year without having to deal with this bullshit. My dad's farm and the farm Greg and I share are both easy targets for this kind of activity, and it is obvious that so is my uncle's place. As the old saying goes...



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Take some white shoe polish and write on the front windshield of his truck. "knock it off, or else" Then send a 12 bore slug through both doors..... Problem Solved.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Go for it man....sounds like you got enough evidence already. A good blanket party would sober up an punk ass 18 year old real quick.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sorry to hear this Jesse. Good luck with your investigation. Hopefully you will have some cooperation with the law.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
What's the chance any of your missing bucks were taken by this ring.

First thing that came to my mind as well.... hopefully that isn't the case. Really hoping there is enough evidence once you talk to the game warden that they can take care of it. If not, hopefully some hillbilly justice will be served!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
First thing that came to my mind as well.... hopefully that isn't the case. Really hoping there is enough evidence once you talk to the game warden that they can take care of it. If not, hopefully some hillbilly justice will be served!
My thoughts exactly! Hope you guys can get this taken care of asap!


Staff member
What's the chance any of your missing bucks were taken by this ring.

Fair. Dad's farm and a few surrounding it are tailor made for poaching deer. I have never found evidence of it, but I know it has happened within close proximity to our farm. It is TOO wide open for it not to have happened. If you think I'm on a mission now, let me find evidence that it happened to any deer I know and see what happens! We'll forget about the law and I'll make the blanket party happen...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
How is it that the GW "isn't going to do much about it?" From the sounds of it, it seems to me like there is plenty of evidence to initiate an investigation. I hope you get it taken care of man, I really do... I just don't understand how a GW could turn away from a potential case like this.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
How is it that the GW "isn't going to do much about it?" From the sounds of it, it seems to me like there is plenty of evidence to initiate an investigation. I hope you get it taken care of man, I really do... I just don't understand how a GW could turn away from a potential case like this.

Exactly. Especially with the new dollar amounts tied to inches of antler that we have in the state. The warden could use this as an opportunity to make a pretty good name for himself by cracking a case like this one. If he doesn't, well, that could also mean he's out of a job. If enough people get involved in a case like this, and run it up the flag pole, that warden would look awfully bad for not taking action after being notified of the activities. It'll be interesting to see how everything works out. Hopefully none of Jesse's deer have been displaced by these poaching assholes.


Staff member
How is it that the GW "isn't going to do much about it?" From the sounds of it, it seems to me like there is plenty of evidence to initiate an investigation. I hope you get it taken care of man, I really do... I just don't understand how a GW could turn away from a potential case like this.

Rumor has it that he blew off the first TIP and stated: "There's nothing I can do unless I catch him..." Well aren't you the law buddy?!? Can't you do the investication?!? I have no proof that it was handled that way, but that is the wind I'm catching around here...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Rumor has it that he blew off the first TIP and stated: "There's nothing I can do unless I catch him..." Well aren't you the law buddy?!? Can't you do the investication?!? I have no proof that it was handled that way, but that is the wind I'm catching around here...

He must be related to the game warden up here.....either that or they went to school together.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
The thing you guys have to remember is this is Southern Ohio which is unlike the rest of Ohio... ... A gun ho burn your playhouse down warden is likely to end up in a bad situation. Remember he still has to live there too... Something like this he will have every duck in a row before springing the trap. But often than not, they just turn a blind eye. It isn't franklin county here in columbus, there are plenty of people down there that wouldn't hesitate to put a high power round through a GW windshield. Nor would they hesitate to do it to someone who turns them in to a warden.. Most matters are handled without involving the law.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
He must be related to the game warden up here.....either that or they went to school together.

Yep TIP line is worthless around our area as well... "gotta catch them in the act or have video evidence"...

Believe me, half the community knows who does the poaching around our area, and you are telling me that the GW doesn't?


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
The burden of proof is high.

There was a local guy with a bad reputation, his name was regularly mentioned in conversations with the GW. I personally witness him kill his second buck one year, his brother in law tagged it. They finally got him on "improperly tagging" a doe. Minor fine and a 1 year suspension of hunting privileges in Ohio and the 30 some other states in the compact. I was told he was still hunting WVA, 25 mile drive gets you to the bridge. I know guys that are buddies his and they claim he behaved in WV this year but I doubt he has really changed.

Getting back to the burden of proof the poacher works at a public school, a school board member is a friend and told me the poacher disposed of carcus parts in the school dumpster. I asked the GW about it and he said he found parts there but couldn't prove who put them there. At least they got him on something.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Dang this news SUCKS ASS Jesse! Seems the GW's are only really involved if a world class deer is involved these days. You know, the ones fetching over 12K and up making the headlines with a officer holding the rack as if to say, "WE'RE ON TOP OF IT"! Fact is many of these punks are unemployed and prolly never have to pay in the first place. Can't get blood out of a turnip schtick!

I'm all in favor of the blanket party!

He was bragging about killing 20+ deer this year by poaching?!? WOW, he's a skilled hunter! lol


Staff member
We only had two wardens from the 1960's or so until a couple years ago when Eric Bear took over. Our former GW had a reputation for being a Grade A asshole and eventually lost his job as the District 4 investigator after getting popped for a DUI last summer. Stone was a HATED man in this county and ruled with a "little mans" syndrome. His vehicles got shot up more than once...


Winstanley was the GW before Stone and from everything I've heard, he was a no-nonsense old timer that would bust your ass in a heart beat. I'm still trying to figure out where the new guy fits in...