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Team 13


*Supporting Member I*
North of Toledo
One small 3 point came in. Figures it would be a buck that didn't have any friends. Seen another one chasing about 100+ yards. Got a good feeling about this early rut they are talking about.

Are you thinking its going to be early? I cant get to camp until the 29th. Looks like early November is going to be windy and wet.:smiley_confused_vra


*Supporting Member I*
North of Toledo
Ill be heading to camp in the morning for possibly 12 days. The weather looks warm for next week. Ill try to check in with my phone.
Hope to put down a slob and get us some points. Haven't hunted since opening weekend. saved all my days for this trip.
Hope everyone has a good rut hunt. Good luck guys.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Nice work yote.

It's been very sparadic for when I can get into the stand. Been a slow season, but usually is until late season given where I hunt. I look forward to the rut ending and things kind of returning back to normal.

Come on Rick and Brock, we need a few of those big boys you are after to get this team higher up on the leader board:pickle:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I sure wish I could! Sure isn't from trying....My landowner being on the property so much has really screwed us this year. Hopefully it gets better soon.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I'm having fun at this point. I'm not worried about some silly contest. Hell, I'm liable to just be in one of them moods and shoot a 5 point basket rack. :smiley_coolpeace:


spencerville oh
I still have to get mine posted up. I have had alot of fun with the kids this year. Jace has killed two. And Karly has hit 2 with marginal shots and we came up empty handed for her. There's been alot of ups and downs but its been enjoyable. Good luck guys I will get my points posted when I get some free time.


*Supporting Member I*
North of Toledo
Ill be heading to camp Sunday for the opener Monday. Hope to put a slob down but will be happy to get some more meat. There was still a lot of action at our place last weekend so I'm hoping it's still on. Good luck guys.
I have a doe to check in to, Gotta find my tag.