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Should we get a puppy?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Do it Mike! The two best breeds I have ever been around are Labs and Goldens.... You are getting both in one. :smiley_coolpeace:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
My wife is getting chilly to the idea. I get it.
Who will deal with the puppy during the day when we're at work?
We can't just stay home while a puppy adjusts to our home.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I guess it just depends on where you are at in life. We lost our lab of 13 years about 10 months ago. The rest of the family is ready for a new family member, but I am not. With two boys, 9 and 10.5, we are on the go constantly. I'm just not ready to break in a new dog and it would be at home alone quite a bit. In my eyes it wouldn't be fair to the dog. I do think we will ave another dog at some point, but the timing has to be right.

Man just don't wait too long, I think Jesse was right in saying that a boy growing up should have a dog. My parents had a lab for 13 years as well and now it's been 6 or 7 and they are still waiting for the right time. I mentioned the other day that they could have had 5 years of a calm, house broken dog by now.

I totally get your other point though, I would absolutely love a dog but can't stand the thought of it being cooped up in an apt all day..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Yeah, big long yard. The longest time span the dog would be alone is 8 hours, sometimes less.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
As stayed get a crate and train it to stay in it while you're gone too work.... Start with a small one and upgrade as it grows.... I like tight areas for dogs as it keeps them out of mischief as well keeps them cozy lol..... Just be ready for a coil spring when they get out.... Take them right outside and don't pass go lol....


Junior Member
I also said I wouldn't get a dog but the fiancee recently talked me into one. I have to say she is a daddy's girl.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
X8 on the crate! Our dog gets in it in the morning when we leave for work, comes out and goes outside when we get home.
She gets in in the morning with no coaxing, on her own.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
We have two dogs, one that is trust worthy and one you can't turn your back on lol.... One stays out all night and has the run of the house and one goes in the crate.... They both know the routine and never have any problems with them now that we know who is who lol.... The trouble maker goes outside in the morning and in the crate when he wife leaves for work.... Every on e in a while the non trouble maker spends some time in the crate too just give a reminder what it's like lol....


Junior Member
X9 on the crate. Our puppy stays in crate all night and is in crate a few hours on and off when we are home and on days we work are in crate during that time. She does not mind the crate and it gives her some down time to relax and sleep.