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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Joe, your dilemma brings up an interesting point about the state of our society and culture -
While I'm sure that the scene you witnessed is merely a mental exercise for you, there is a wide swath of our nation who thinks solely in terms of "the system", and how to apply rules to their advantage, or to make sure that somehow they aren't being treated unfairly. These folks are often quick to take offense to any perceived slight or injustice.

We have become a hyper-litigious society, ready to invoke authorities and the legal system at the drop of a hat, and argue with vigor to win our point. (And conversely, we are seemingly losing the ability to listen before speaking and be slow to anger.) I may be wrong, but I think part of the reason that people are so easily outspoken is that they feel "protected" by the legal system and it's recourse - nobody is afraid of getting an ass-whipping, because they'll have the other party thrown in jail and sued to boot.

But anyway, I just wanted to comment that we have a legal system. But don't call it "the justice system", because it's not about justice.
Legality and technicality often override common sense. Our society focuses on the letter of the law, not on the spirit of the law.

Just because a person is disabled doesn't mean they're a good person, or are deserving of any special privileges - it just means they're disabled.
I've met a lot of disabled assholes. (and a whole lot more great people)
Next time wheelchair dude acts like he owns the road, pull over and tell him that if he does it again, you'll tip him over.

Sorry for the hijack.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Ok. I actually looked up some laws. Like everything it varies by state. In Virginia bicycles can be operated on sidewalks as well as the road or bike lane. For wheelchairs and biked it seems that it depends on the circumstance. On the sidewalk they are considered a pedestrian. On the roadway if by choice they are considered a bicycle and must obey traffic laws. If by choice meaning a sidewalk is available but they have chosen to use the bike lane. If no sidewalk is available or the sidewalk is impassable which forces them to use a roadway their rights as a pedestrian follow them.
At times when lots of walking on flat hard surfaces are required I use an electric three wheeled scooter to get around. I don't know what the laws are, but I know enough to stop at a stop sign if I encounter one and to yield to vehicles at all times. It is a no brainer that a car truck or minivan may be driven by a texting teenager or soccer mom. I also know that my scooter or myself would not fare well in a car/scooter collision. I never looked in to the laws, I figure common sense should prevail.


At times when lots of walking on flat hard surfaces are required I use an electric three wheeled scooter to get around. I don't know what the laws are, but I know enough to stop at a stop sign if I encounter one and to yield to vehicles at all times. It is a no brainer that a car truck or minivan may be driven by a texting teenager or soccer mom. I also know that my scooter or myself would not fare well in a car/scooter collision. I never looked in to the laws, I figure common sense should prevail.

You're one of the few with common sense. I feel like we should stop saying common sense as it's become an ironic phrase.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
This will be interesting to see the outcome. I think he will prevail as the pedestrian normally has the right of way in a crosswalk. Only fly in the ointment is if his wheel chair is considered a vehicle.

I on the other hand consider his wheelchair as his legs. And win he should.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
What it boils down too (IMO) is he had stuff in his lap that slowed him down, as you can see in the video of him at the end he has no problem scooting across the crossing when he's not cluttered up with things in his lap....
Bad decision on his part, no worse than someone texting walking across the road preoccupied and getting hit...

He should have stowed what ever was in his lap to make the crossing...