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Finelysheddeds 2015-16 hunting journal


Staff member
He'll start whining around the 23rd or 24th, then give it a week, two max. Fuggin guy could wreck a quad and not hurt the quad... lmao


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Just an update. Karissa and I sat for 2 hours last evening and saw nothing but squirrels and had a great time hanging out.

Karissa and me

Deer Sightings 0
Buck Sightings 0
Doe's and other deer Sightings 0
Yote Sightings 0
Turkey Sightings 0

Hours hunting 4.5
Number of sits 3


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Had my 3rd solo hunt last night that was a little more than couple hours from the hours of 4:45 to 7 and finally saw my first deer. This is also including the other three sits with Karissa I might add,lol. First thing I did was text her so it would lift her spirits some in her anticipation for this Fridays hunt.
It was about 6:30 and getting dark fast has a front was bringing with it a solid band heavy showers. With distant rumbles and overcast sky my hunt appeared to be getting to it's conclusion pretty quick. I hadn't seen or heard anything but a bunch of squirrels chasing each other and an occasional chipmunk running up and down a log. With my head on a swivel as daylight faded I turned my head and looked directly behind me and saw something that didn't look right back in the shadows. It turned out that it was a young 6-8 point browsing on acorns. Somehow he slipped in on me from behind to about 35 yards and later came to within 28 yards but he eventually walked off away from me which I greatly appreciated. I did not want to be climbing down with a storm roaring through with him close by. Things worked out and I was able to slip on out and got back to my truck as the large rain drops began to hit.

Next hunt will be with Karissa this Friday!!! Can't wait....and either can she!

My solo hunting journal

Deer Sightings 1
Buck Sightings 1
Doe's and other deer Sightings 0
Yote Sightings 0
Turkey Sightings 0

Hours hunting 6.25
Number of sits 3


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Just catching up with my journal. Karissa and I were locked and loaded about 20 minutes before shooting light and hunted till 9:45. Just nothing moving much but she did enjoy watching a small coon milling around and a Cooper's hawk fly in and land. We pulled a few cards before we left and found some smaller bucks around the scrapes and a few does checking them out as well. I did finally catch that nice wide 10 I got video'd on my TC in the creek over a scrape not 35 yards from there but it was crappy footage and at night. He's pretty nice! I figure he'll gross and net pretty close the same as he's pretty symmetrical! Prolly gross 146-147 and net 145+!

Just an update. Karissa and I sat for 2 hours last evening and saw nothing but squirrels and had a great time hanging out.

Karissa and me

Deer Sightings 0
Buck Sightings 0
Doe's and other deer Sightings 0
Yote Sightings 0
Turkey Sightings 0

Hours hunting 7
Number of sits 4


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I rushed home from work at 5 to squeeze in a hour hunt on the ground after swapping two cameras I had over scrapes. The POS WG cam was over the big bucks scrape and the newer WG cam was over a smaller bucks scrape about 200 yards away further down the creek bottom. I got it done but I did bust a big bodied deer out while doing it though. Should have expected it considering it was about 6 PM!

After swapping the cams and freshening up the big 10's scrape I waded across the creek and hunkered down behind a log laying parallel with a washout on the opposite bank. I heard something approaching about 6:55 and got ready but whatever it was it hung up about 50 yards away and I couldn't see anything due to the brushy creek bottom. It was getting dark fast and evidently it quietly made it's way closer to me and saw me moving as I quietly put stuff back in my fannypack.

Oh well, I tried! I'll be back to check that cam and hopefully see what it was but it sounded big as it snorted and bounded away! Dang it....

My solo hunting journal

Deer Sightings 1
Buck Sightings 1
Doe's and other deer Sightings 0
Yote Sightings 0
Turkey Sightings 0
Deer encounter but no visual 1
Spooked or busted encounters 1

Hours hunting 7.5
Number of sits 4
Last edited:


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Oh, forgot the best news of all this week! I got ballsy and decided to try and pull my bow back! I did with no pain in collarbone area or shoulder! Shot 2 arrahs at each of the following distances...20,30 and 40. At were pretty decent groups but the 40 was a tad left but struggled a little holding still.

Shot a few arrahs again at Strouds and did pretty well there as well but was in no way strong enough to draw back Brian's 48 pound widow which was disappointing. It actually hurt a little after trying.

I'm going to start practicing some throughout the week and start toting my compound again....hopefully this weekend!:pickle:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Glad to hear the shoulder is feeling better. Keep working at it and you will be back to shooting that 40lb bow just like you were before. Mason will be out pulling you soon. Lol


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Shot a couple arrows yesterday after mowing lawn. One at 20 then one at 30 yards. Both hit perfect cuz I set my pins to hit a few inches low to account for shooting out of my tree stands. Anywho, here's my shots:

I hunted last night for a couple hours and video'd a small nn that fed around me. There was another deer but I couldn't make out what it was but reckon it was a doe. So last night was my first sit carrying my trusty Mathews Drenalin LD... It felt good TOO!

My solo hunting journal

Deer Sightings 2
Buck Sightings 1
Doe's and other deer Sightings 1
Yote Sightings 0
Turkey Sightings 0
Deer encounter but no visual 2
Spooked or busted encounters 2

Hours hunting 9.5
Number of sits 5
Last edited:

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good to see you are able to draw again, Ric! Hope it all comes together soon, and if history is any indicator, it will!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Karissa and I made it out yesterday morning for a nice 3 hour sit from 7:15-10:15. She finally got to see her first deer this hunt which sure lifted her spirits. The best thing was her spotting it first and tapping me on the leg telling me one was coming. I video'd it for a good 5 plus minutes as it browsed alone on mast and leaves working g it's way from our downwind to our upwind. He was never once alerted to our presence but he is just a young feller TOO. Wondering if his momma gave him the boot as she might be coming in though cause I saw her him him on my hunt earlier this week. Might be starting to get busy over there soon! Karissa did see another antlerless deer off in the distance 30 minutes later but it veered off into another direction. Both deer were spotted after 9 am. Prolly should start hunting all day as I've also noticed more and more mid day activity but the mature bucks are still a no show on cams or coming thru after dark.

Karissa and me

Deer Sightings 2
Buck Sightings 0
Doe's and other deer Sightings 2
Yote Sightings 0
Turkey Sightings 0

Hours hunting 10
Number of sits 5