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Not sure what to do


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I really don't know where to start on this one.

First thing I will say is that being on disability and hunting does not make one a POS. If it does, I guess I am a POS. I know there are many out there cheating the system, but not all of us. Some people have more drive to do the things they love to do than others and find ways to get it done. Until you are in someone elses shoes I'd think before I type. No hard feelings towards anyone, just making a point.

Secondly, I feel your pain with sharing the property, the very reason I bought my own. Just because you have hunted a property for a while does not mean you can run the show. That being said, I do feel that the new guy should be considerate. I'd sit down with the guy and see what he is all about. Maybe he needs some educating. But, if he has that many stands at his disposal I'd venture to say he is not new at the game.

The only way that I see a guy can have property to himself is to buy or lease. Otherwise you are always at the mercy of the landowner.

Sorry Dick, I wasn't meaning ALL hunters with disabilities. I apologize if you were offended by it. IMO, this guy is not like you and IS one of the ones abusing the system though. I was basing my thoughts on the dudes treestand set but I could be wrong. If I am, I owe him an apology as well on the subject.....but not for being a tool and setting up so close to someone else's stand and not being considerate.

Owning your own land is the best way to remedy problems like this but you'll still have things stolen or messed with if you don't live on or near it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I really don't know where to start on this one.

First thing I will say is that being on disability and hunting does not make one a POS. If it does, I guess I am a POS. I know there are many out there cheating the system, but not all of us. Some people have more drive to do the things they love to do than others and find ways to get it done. Until you are in someone elses shoes I'd think before I type. No hard feelings towards anyone, just making a point.

I certainly agree with this. I don't think it was meant to paint a broad stroke against anyone with a disability. Like I said to Hoyt, sometimes there is more to the story. Sadly, in this modern world of taking advantage of the system it is tough to determine. If I were you I would be pissed at all those taking advantage of the system and painting a bad picture of legitamit people on disability. I know Mexicans who came to our country and legally obtained citizenship. They worked hard and earned it the legal way. All the illegals piss them off because they are lumped in with the illegals. If I had a genuine disability, I would be pissed at all the mooches who are milking the system and painting a negative picture of myself with a legit disability. That is just me though.
Right from the get-go you should have set a few ground rules, namely pointing out where your sets are and telling him you'd appreciate if he didn't set anything within a hundred yards or so. It likely isn't too late though, and talking to him now and telling him you are not happy with him encroaching in on your sets. Try to not get the landowner involved, after all he gave you guys each other's numbers to collaborate with each other. To me that means he doesn't want to be bothered, unless of course things get ugly, then he just may kick both of you off the property.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Also should add that people can be on disability for a variety of reasons.

I know and realize that people can be on disability for various reasons. He has told me several times over the phone it is due to his back. It has come up almost every conversation we have had. In one of the conversations I was talking about me having a mobile setup, he commented back saying he did to. He told me he has a climber but doesn't really use it due to his back (the reason he is on disability), but yet with the same bad back he can hang sticks and lock ons.

I may be missing the whole bus here but over the years I have hung a lock on style stand well over a hundred if not hundreds of times. Each time it took a lot of back strength to hold the stand get the strap around the stand and locked to the tree. Way more back strength than getting a climber to a tree and up it. Just sayin.

Hortontoter, I just want to clarify that I in no way shape or form think you or anyone that deserves the right to claim disability are POS. Is just there are things with this guy's story that just don't jive and rub me the wrong way. Way to many inconsistencies.
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What you are dealing with is the unfortunate reality of hunting on someone's else's property.

Unless you own it you probably don't get to control it. The landowner gave access to both of you, you both apparently have equal rights, live with it the best you can.

If I were a landowner that granted hunting access the last thing I want to have to deal with is settling disputes between guests on my property.


*Supporting Member*
Dick, I know Steve (Hoyt) personally and he's one of the easiest guys to get along with that you could meet. From the information he has posted about this situation, it's pretty clear the other individual has earned his POS status. Many of us are, or have been in the same shoes as Steve. It really sucks to get out and gain permission for a piece of land only to have someone else with no scruples move in on you. Sorry if you were offended by our opinions in this matter, but we are just calling it as we see it. Honesty is what you will get here at this forum, and I honestly think this guy has proven himself. With that said everyone can redeem themselves and maybe he will.


Junior Member
I know and realize that people can be on disability for various reasons. He has told me several times over the phone it is due to his back. It has come up almost every conversation we have had. In one of the conversations I was talking about me having a mobile setup, he commented back saying he did to. He told me he has a climber but doesn't really use it due to his back (the reason he is on disability), but yet with the same bad back he can hang sticks and lock ons.

I may be missing the whole bus here but over the years I have hung a lock on style stand well over a hundred if not hundreds of times. Each time it took a lot of back strength to hold the stand get the strap around the stand and locked to the tree. Way more back strength than getting a climber to a tree and up it. Just sayin.

Hortontoter, I just want to clarify that I in no way shape or form think you or anyone that deserves the right to claim disability are POS. Is just there are things with this guy's story that just don't jive and rub me the wrong way. Way to many inconsistencies.

You know better than the rest of us, and I would agree that hanging treestands wouldn't sit well with the folks who cut his checks. I don't want to get to far off track with your original concern. The whole hanging the stand close to (and even known) stand is another indicator of his "character". I totally would stand my ground on that one, did you flat out ask him why?? Why he would think that's ok? If so what did he say?

This is really, in my opinion the reason so much ground is lost. It's just a matter of principle and respect! Damn!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Well went and talked with the land owner last night. I figured this would be best as him and I have a good relationship that goes beyond hunting. He has a few rentals and when he needs plumbing or HVAC work done he calls me. So we see each other several times a year throughout the year.

I had a good way to start the conversation without sounding like I was whining about the other guy. The land owners brother that owns half the farm is a hothead with a short fuse. When he gets mad he goes all scorched earth too. I asked if this guy was set up on your brother's land would he get mad, cause if so I don't want him ruining it for me. Well it turns out he has gotten permission from brother too, and that is why he is setting up all around me. This did not make him very happy once I explained to him that he was setup right next to me.

He said he would call and talk to him, I told him I would like to meet Jim also that way we can work things out and establish some ground rules that we both agree to.

The nice thing is that he said as far ad he is concerned I have first dibs because I have been there so long.

So waiting to here back from the land owner and see waists next.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am lucky too have the places i do to hunt and wont even hunt a property if someone else is established there .Just not comfortable with stepping on someone elses toes.Never liked it when it has happened to me.I have way in the past worked it out with someone else and we have now been good friends for over 17 years.So hopefully it will work out for you.Keep us updated and hopefully this guy is'nt one of those that just does'nt give a crap.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Sick you may be right. I don't know if he had help or not. And if so then more power to him to get out and hunt, just don't hang so close to mine. Haven't heard anything from the owner yet. Going to stay away for a little bit. The less pressure the better at this point. Got some vacation coming up.