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Stan Potts almost kills his 5th 200"

pretty much hicks , but the guys i have seen come into this place , if i said actual names would make alot of people cry ,and is most of the reason i fish more then i hunt , cause some of these guys killed my dreams of wanting to learn everything they know so i could take big bucks like they do


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Nice buck... But I'm not impressed at all. Stan Potts is hilarious to watch on TV, but I don't think he's any better of a deer hunter than a lot of guys on this forum. He just has some serious contacts, some serious sponsors, and probably a hefty bank roll. Good for him, he's living the dream. I just don't think shooting monster bucks at an outfitter are anything to brag about. Just my opinion.

Give me a second folks......(voice cracking and winded, thanking god)

You nailed it Jim. There are plenty of guys right here that could make the "money shot" if given the same opportunities.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
pretty much hicks , but the guys i have seen come into this place , if i said actual names would make alot of people cry ,and is most of the reason i fish more then i hunt , cause some of these guys killed my dreams of wanting to learn everything they know so i could take big bucks like they do


How's that?

Who says you have to learn from those guys to kill deer, especially when you have all the resources you need right here.

I say that some guys just aren't cut out for killing big bucks, just like some guys will never be a 1 or 2 handicap in golf.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
see when i see guys like this killing monster bucks every year , it makes me wanna start blurting out names of big name people i see at kg ranch every year . but i wont due to my buddy owning the ranch , and it would kill his income , but lemme tell you this , ya cant believe everything you see or hear on tv hunting shows, i have personaly seen the checks from big name " super hunters " for 40 and 50 grand for a so called 180 to 200 inch deer , that was made to look like it was not filmed behind a fence

I know a Mennonite that pen raises deer up by Plymouth, Ohio that was paid $45k for one of his big bucks about 10 years ago. He still gets guys that come in and buy his bucks for that kind of money every few years. He wouldn't tell me what those guys did with them either.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I know a Mennonite that pen raises deer up by Plymouth, Ohio that was paid $45k for one of his big bucks about 10 years ago. He still gets guys that come in and buy his bucks for that kind of money every few years. He wouldn't tell me what those guys did with them either.

That's what just about all of the deer farms do. My buddy has three of his 4.5 yr olds sold right now.... to an outfitter. That's what it's coming to these days. Pay to hunt land and pay to shoot big bucks. Makes me sick.

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
I know a Mennonite that pen raises deer up by Plymouth, Ohio that was paid $45k for one of his big bucks about 10 years ago. He still gets guys that come in and buy his bucks for that kind of money every few years. He wouldn't tell me what those guys did with them either.

I bet that has all changed now. Economy was good then and wasn't that many deer farms then. Look at it now. Deer farms are all over and we have a poor economy.


What was it that made Big mature bucks so special in the Past?........I believe it was because there were so few of them. Something that is rare to acheive is what makes it so special. Is the "Specialness " being stolen or robbed from us because of the Big buck exploitation thats occuring these days? Take something that is rare to being plentiful and I believe you rob it of its Value.....Are we robbing our sport?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
What was it that made Big mature bucks so special in the Past?........I believe it was because there were so few of them. Something that is rare to acheive is what makes it so special. Is the "Specialness " being stolen or robbed from us because of the Big buck exploitation thats occuring these days? Take something that is rare to being plentiful and I believe you rob it of its Value.....Are we robbing our sport?

I wouldn't go as far as saying they are plentiful....the fact of the matter is the way in which communication has changed over the last 15 years is the biggest reason for it IMO. Before the internets the only way you got to hear about a big buck was through a magazine....now if someone kills one he sends a picture of it to his buddy on his cell phone and BOOM every swinging dick knows about it already. Couple that with all the wannabe hunting "pro's" on cable TV and satellite pimping every product known to man to grow and attract big deer and here we are today.

Technology is the contributing factor. The chances of killing even a 140 class buck is very low when you look at the big picture and average out all the guys hunting.

Take a poll of 1000 guys and tell me how many of them have actually tagged a 140 class buck. How about 150....160, etc. You will be surprised how low that number is. Big bucks are special animals.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I know a Mennonite that pen raises deer up by Plymouth, Ohio that was paid $45k for one of his big bucks about 10 years ago. He still gets guys that come in and buy his bucks for that kind of money every few years. He wouldn't tell me what those guys did with them either.

Did anyone see that buck down at the deer farm near Roscoe Village about five years ago? That buck was unreal. He was over 300" for sure just by looking at him. The owner wasn't around (amish) but you could walk up to the danged thing and pet it during business hours. He got $88k for it. Craziness...



Junior Member
In the woods
Stan Potts is a truly great big buck hunter,sure hes killed big bucks at outfitters but this guys has also killed big bucks on public land as well.i love his reactions after the kill,Truly a passionate deer hunter...
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How's that?

Who says you have to learn from those guys to kill deer, especially when you have all the resources you need right here.

I say that some guys just aren't cut out for killing big bucks, just like some guys will never be a 1 or 2 handicap in golf.

this is where i get my information now , but this was before i was on too
I know a Mennonite that pen raises deer up by Plymouth, Ohio that was paid $45k for one of his big bucks about 10 years ago. He still gets guys that come in and buy his bucks for that kind of money every few years. He wouldn't tell me what those guys did with them either.

i just helped unload 3 deer that came from a farm near plymouth , i wonder if its the same guy
I wonder what a straw full of jizz went for?

low end genetics , it will start around 2000 a tube , get into the monster genetics , bucks that throw 120 inch to 140 inch one and a half year olds your looking at upwards of 7 grand a tube , the farm /ranch near me has a 4 1/2 year old that score well over 380 , he just got a down payment of 35 grand for a guy from new york to come shoot him this fall


You are right..Big bucks are special animals...If a hunter wants to consistently get chances at em..They must understand what they are hunting.

You and JD seem to completely understand what you are hunting.


Junior Member
NE Ohio
Stick me in his setup stands and spoon feed them my way and I would have 10 over 200+in.

So very true... I won't lump them all into that group but there are so many you can... If you take 100's and 100's and 100's of acres and poat the shit out of it and keep everyone out and only shoot 6+ year old deer and some does from time to time, yeah everyone who would go out would be seeing 180" deer all the time too... Everyone has their opinion.. I would like to see these "PRO" and i use toe word pro very loosely out in the middle of the Wayne National Forest and see how many 160" deer they shoot year after year.... Not saying they are not good hunters, but you know these big deer on these big farms they have their number... Deer doesnt have a chance... JMO..