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Youth Gun Season

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
Get him as warm as possible. Climb 17.5' into buddy stand. Hope the woods blocks enough wind to make it tolerable. Hope we get to shoot something early. If that doesn't work, maybe get down for a little still hunting? Bringing the Warm Bag out today as well. That will buy him a little more seat time. There is also the option of coming home, warming up, and then heading out this evening for the two of us.

Good luck to you all. Clay- I didn't know you can do that. You can serve them in your home if you choose. I didn't realize you could buy them a round in a public place. Was this pizza place in the Highland/Fayette County area? If so, I didn't realize they sold beer. lmao

No it was a pizza place in Pomeroy, and looked it and 10 states have similar laws. Often chain restaurants will not do it.



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Get him as warm as possible. Climb 17.5' into buddy stand. Hope the woods blocks enough wind to make it tolerable. Hope we get to shoot something early. If that doesn't work, maybe get down for a little still hunting? Bringing the Warm Bag out today as well. That will buy him a little more seat time. There is also the option of coming home, warming up, and then heading out this evening for the two of us.

Good luck to you all. Clay- I didn't know you can do that. You can serve them in your home if you choose. I didn't realize you could buy them a round in a public place. Was this pizza place in the Highland/Fayette County area? If so, I didn't realize they sold beer. lmao

You gotta take your own to that place, lol.

Sounds like chasing and grunting down in the thicket. Hard to hear over all these damn squirrels though. We passed a fresh scrape in the yard on our way in...today could be the day. Hope the wind stays away! Good luck everyone


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Never mind...Kody is done, talked him into 5 more minutes. Oh well, at least he came out. Wish I had a bow...because he's grunting away. Still haven't seen him or her...but they are here! Just in that thick stuff.
We got skunked again today. Had a deer smell us, but was out of sight. Winds were shifting all day on us. We did a good bit of walking mid-day and didn't even see a tail. Had a dusting of snow too. Didn't even see much sign. Seemed to me that they were holed up tight somewhere. Hoping next weekend brings us some better luck.

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
Took a young man who is friends with my boys hunting this weekend. He had never shot a gun before we practiced last week, much less hunted. His dad has not been around for years and passed away this summer. He thought I was joking when I told him he could go with us.

Saturday morning we saw a small doe and he was excited, but wanted to wait. Didn't see anymore deer the rest of the day or most of Sunday. I told them shoot what you want no limitations. 4:25 this little spike walks out and he takes the shot. He really should have waited as he shot it almost straight on, the deer ran off laid down and they could hear it bleat for 5-7 minutes before it died. We look for blood after dark and only find a few drops so the search is i and we are pretty sure where it was because it never sounded like it got up. After about 30 minutes of searching we found him. Needless to say he was one excited hunter, he is hooked.

We talked about why it is important to take a good shot so the animal dies as quickly as possible. It was a great time and a great learning experience, neither of my boys got a deer, but they didn't care, they were so excited and happy for their friend.



Junior Member
Central NC

My 10yo son shot this 10pt with 3 broken tines on Saturday around 2:40pm. It's his largest buck to date & we were both pumped when we found it.

I was able to get the shot & maybe 6 seconds pre-shot on video. It happened QUICK!

Big thanks to Clay Showalter for allowing us to hunt his property once again!