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TOO Projects Thread


Dignitary Member
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Gods Country
This was a project that I've put off for a couple years. The wife found this old box and wanted me to redo it. Well needless to say the box sat in the garage and took up space for the past two years. Almost ended up in the bonfire a couple times, bit I figured it wasn't worth the sleep lost in the dog house.

She wanted me to clean it up and paint it a maroon color. Well I finally got a burr up my butt and wanted to reclaim some of my garage space. Took the sander to it and wouldn't you know what color was under the old crappy white paint. Yep you guessed it, maroon!!! [emoji106]

So after sanding down the back, I grabbed the wife and asked what she thought. She gave me the green light to just keep on with just the rough sanding. Here's what it looked like when done sanding.

Added four coats of satin polyurethane with a sanding in between each and some rustic looking hardware, and I have a happy wife for at least a little while.



Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member

I got a new project to do. Went bought a new trailer today at lowes and its a 5x8. Those boards are not bolted in yet. Its just laying on there for now. I will post pictures soon when i get it done.


Staff member
I got a spur in my ass and tore in to th eunsightly old shed on my place yesterday. Our township trustees provided dumpsters for the residents this week. We inherited a bunch of junk, plus I added a hot water tank, dishwasher and bathroom vanity to it over the years. It had some cobbled half-wall built with some stainless flashing. It was better suited for snakes and spiders than serving a purpose. I hauled off a heaping truck bed full of shit yesterday, burned a bunch more stuff, tore the flashing off, then put some of my heavy duty plastic pallets in there. I know have storage for scrap lumber and drying space for firewood. Still unsightly, but functional. I have $0 in it and 2 hours worth of work. Again, why did it take 6.5 years to do? LOL

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Played in a crawl space today. Had a leak in bathroom or laundry room prior to our purchase. Those rooms butt up to each other. One floor joist under the wall was rotten. I had 3 bottle jacks, numerous foundation blocks and 3 2x8 pieces of lumber. Due to plumbing, wiring, ductwork, we couldn't use the full 8'. Cut them to where we could fit them in place. Screwed them to existing floor joists. Used bottle jacks to bring it back level. Placed blocks under the repaired floor joists, and lowered bottle jacks. I say "we" but it was really me with a helper fetching stuff and handing it in the crawl space. He appreciated the easy work day and I performed the task the way I wanted to. Not enough room for two down there anyway. Got a little bit to tidy up tomorrow and the project is done. Ready for our new tenant on May 1.