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Thieving Bastards


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Dang Aaron! Hate to hear about this. There isn't much of a worse feeling than knowing you have been violated in this manner. I know cause I've been there too. Just know that karma can be a birch and these fuggars will get what's coming to them.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Aaron, first off I'm sorry to hear this BS that you and the family are going thru.... Second, they sell mock cameras that have a red LED blinking on top of them too give them a sense of being legit.... I mounted 5 of them around the garage and house on my last deployment and you'd be surprised at the number of people who made comments too my neighbors about them....
Made some of them down right paranoid..... They did the trick, the wife felt better, I felt better why being gone and at 15 a pop I saved a ton of money as well.... Win, win.....
I know you have the little ones, but as Rick asked does the wife carry? Or would she if trained???


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
No the wife doesn't have her CC but has for the first time mentioned it.. Not sure if she will follow thru or not, this whole scenario has made me think about my surroundings in a different way. I have a lot going on with kids and family right now and then throw this on top of it just adds to the stress level. Chad mentioned a motion sensing light and after looking at it in the dark I realized how dark it really is in front of the building so that is probably the first thing I fix.


Meth Heads will do anything to buy drugs, hate it when people steal from hard working tax payers. I hope they werent stihl chain saws? I would give my old lady up before I would hand over my stihl.


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
Only thing lower than a thief is a liar, well maybe on the same level! Also sounds like they had cased your place and knew what you had and where you had it. If they think the neighborhood is an easy touch they might be back. I'd hit ALL the neighbors and have them keep an eye out!