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Safety harnesses and other safety


Se ohio
You guys that use hang ons might want look at using the half line mobile safety system . It gives you a way to the ground in case you fall off your stand and can't climb back on or if you had a kick out on your ladder or sticks


Active Member
Keene, OH
On the linemans rope, this little gem saves countless time when you need to adjust the length, go around a limb etc... I've combined it with the the HSS Linemans system and will not go up to do work/maintenance without it. It connects to the carabiner on the dominant arm side D-Ring with tag end. Other end of the linemans lanyard is on the opposite carabiner and D ring.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
You guys that use hang ons might want look at using the half line mobile safety system . It gives you a way to the ground in case you fall off your stand and can't climb back on or if you had a kick out on your ladder or sticks
I use that with my climber bottom.