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Need prayers

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Thei doc said everything went well- it was a 5 hour operation - 3 hours in recovery - joan is still in the hospital for observation and monitering - if things go to plan she may come home tmorro
Thank you all for your prayers. You arre the best.

Will give the long term outlook when i get it.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dang it, Dan, Just saw this! I'll keep you and Joan in my thoughts and prayers. Glad all went well, hope she continues to improve!

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Well just got joan home - she is a little tired and sore. I just cooked her a pb&j samich and a cup of tea with homey.

She will remain on her a-fib meds for 3 months untill everything heals. They gave her a device to transmit a ekg every week. After the 3 month period she will have a cat scan of he hart and if that and all else is good they will take her off the a-fib meds but she will remain on a blood thinner as a cuation.

The doc said they succesfully ablated the A-fib/ a-flutter and is optomistic about the outcome.

There is a 25% chance it may reoccur and they may do what the doc calls a touch-up - time will tell..

Hoping fot the best - thank you for all the prayers and good wishs
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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Such good news. It's amazing what they can do now days. My ex-SIL just had the same thing done but it didn't work. A friend had it done after 3 minie strokes and his worked out perfectly.