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Mornin' geezer!


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Mornin Geezer and all of tooville...

How's it going Dustin??? Get all those decorations up yet???

Unfortunately no. It always looks like Xmas came in and shit on moms house. Its definitely not overkill like some hoarders are, but its just right. I love helping Mom with the Xmas decorations, my main job is to lift the heavy shit, bring all of the totes from the basement etc. Ill be back over there for a bit tonight. That should take care of about 95% of it. She will get a lot of the little shit done during the day.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Good Morning Boys.

Its getting to be that time of the year to stop licking poles.



The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Morning Cuzin Geezer, J, Phil, Chad, XBH, BH, Giles, Moonlab, Q673, CJD, Joe, Jesse, Dustin, "El Gordo" and the rest of TOOville. Been busy as all heck, start the new job on the 12th!! :pickle:


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Mid day to ya folks! Finally was able to take a day off work and I can't hardly leave the bathroom. I'm still gonna make it out this evening though, body has to be about out of fluids.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good morning men! Something in my gut is apprehensive to head out today. Got a bad feeling. As slow as it has been all week hunting, I have a feeling every Tom, Dick and Harry will be out today. Saying extra prayers for safety for everyone. i hope and pray my friends are safe, covered in deer, avoid disrespectful trespassers/slobs, and everyone gets home with a big smile on their face.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Mornin Geezer and all of tooville....
Hope it's just a gas bubble in your gut Phil....
Safe travels Dustin and good luck.... If he asks you to smell something DON'T!!!!!