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Hammered a Good One!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Way to go Marcus. That is a stud of a buck. Looks like he had a massive body on him TOO.

Love the picture with your little girl. She sure is a little cutie, and getting bigger.


Coshocton, OH
Well I finally am able to sit down after a really long day. I sat last night on the edge of the orchard where I had gotten all the trail cam pics of this buck along with 3 other shooters. I didnt see or hear a thing until right at last legal shooting light. I heard him crunching toward me and he snuck through the only area where I didnt have a shot at 30 yards. He then looped around into the orchard and began feeding. He worked his way toward me and came in the clear around 15 yards. I am not sure what happened, but I think I didnt bend at the waist far enough and sent my arrow into him high. He darted off like a lightening bolt and sprinted into an open field, then over the hill, into the woods out of my view. My dad, cousin JPM, and I gave him 2.5 hours then we went back to where I shot him. We had good blood for 100 yds then it got really spotty so we pulled back. I took today off school and went back to look for him this morning. I had a bad feeling that he was not mortally hit and would still be around suffering. I knew he had to jump a fence to get into the woods so I went straight to the fence line to see if I could find where he crossed. I was able to locate the spot where he jumped it. After he came across the fence, he really opened up. I trailed good blood for another 80-100 yards and found him piled up headed down to a creek bottom. My dad and grandpa came and helped me lug him out. I got him to the taxi a bit ago. He rough scored him at 141 gross, (nets are for fish) and estimated him at 4 years old. I am really happy with this buck. He had the biggest neck I have ever seen on a whitetail! Good luck to the rest of you guys and thanks for all the congrats! I look forward to reading your success stories.


Junior Member
Summit County
Great deer! This bodes well for me, a couple years ago you killed a big 8 and then a week later I did the same, lets see if I can make it happen this year as well!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I always think it's way cool when guys target then harvest a specific buck like that....congratulations!
That's the real deal.;)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice job Mao! Great buck! Adorable picture of your little girl! My daughter is 9 now and I remember those adorable pictures when she was that age. This picture will come back to haunt her someday! lol


Coshocton, OH
QUOTE=hickslawns;18121]Nice job Mao! Great buck! Adorable picture of your little girl! My daughter is 9 now and I remember those adorable pictures when she was that age. This picture will come back to haunt her someday! lol[/QUOTE]

Haha... Yea. I love that pic the most..

I got a couple of him the morning before I got him too..

Deer Pics 018.jpgDeer Pics 026.jpg[


Coshocton, OH
Nice one, way to get it done. Have you been seeing that one or did he just show up and offer a shot.....

thanks! i have been after this one... got a lot of trail cam pics of him and caught him in daylight a couple weeks ago... since then ive been hittin his home area pretty hard..


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Way to go dude. You know that back ground with the lake I swear to God looks just like my back yard. You sure you were not hunting in NEO? LOL. Just kidding, great buck bud.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Not to Hijack your post but damn the picture looks like my back yard.

Wish I had some better pictures. Again Congrat's on a great harvest.