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Funny hunt on MidWest Whitetail


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Saw that at lunch. Jason and Damon are doing a hell of a job with that show that's for sure!!! :smiley_clap:

I know how Damon feels! We did a drive last and had a doe run right back up the middle of the drive. She never saw me until I bounced the end of my 1100 off her shoulder. She tried to clear a dead fall and biffed it right after I hit her! She did a barrel rool then stood there for a few seconds like: "WTF!!!!" If I hadn't been a mile from the house and in no need of meat, I could have left powder burn on her shoulder!!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
That was crazy! Love my weekly episode of MidWesst Whitetail.

Closest encounter I had hunting was my buck in 2004. He was in a group of 3 chasing this doe all over the patch of woods I was in. I was hunting on the ground, in a natural blind I made on an uprooted tree. The group all jumped the tree at about 10 feet from me, stopped, and in all the excitement I shot the wrong deer. D'Oh!! Still an awesome experience, and I deer to be proud of.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
thats a crazy video, i figured it was gonna smack the blind..i was doing a little drive a few yrs ago and my buddy had a 140's buck run literally about 3 feet from him, he shot it twice sorta in self defense and it went 20 yards and piled up. It was luck, no doubt but that vid reminded me of it. I'm also a MWW fan


Dignitary Member
Staff member
HA! That's awesome.. We had a boy on a drive last year that had one come around a bend right at him.. He ended up shooting it at 5 paces coming right at him.. After the shot he actually fell backwards as it ran by within feet.