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finelyshedded's hunting log


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Sounds like a great morning to be on stand Ric! Hope you bust one of your two target bucks soon! I'm surviving work this weekend by reading all the hunting stories, so make sure you share this evening's hunt, and tomorrow's also!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I had a good hunt again this evening but no sighting of Splits. I saw the same buck that I saw at 11:15 again at 4:44pm approx. 120 yards from where I saw him in the morning from the other stand. I switched to my stand on the other end of the finger hoping Splits hung up for the day somewhere in between my two sets. With the prevailing W to NW winds if he was in there he'd more than likely head my way so the wind would be at his face or cheek. Then I had a bb come within 25 yards of me at 5:03. The first buck and the bb both disappeared for an hour to later pop back out a hundred yards or so from where they ducked into the brushy fingers. Then at 6:13 a different 8 point with great potential stepped out and survey's the field for about 3 minutes then turns back around and leaves to never be seen the rest of the evening. I was just about to start heading down at 6:56 when I heard a deer approaching and it was another small buck which I think I haven't seen before. He stepped right in the middle of my shooting land at 18 yards and then steadily headed on past me. I couldn't wait for him to leave and glad I didn't bump him on the way out. So I saw 3 more small bucks and another bb. It's better than getting skunked! I will take tomorrow am off to spend time with family and maybe hunt in the evening.

Total Hours hunting: 36.75hours
Total Bucks seen:14 bucks not counting 6 bb's
Total Does seen:20
Total Yotes seen:0
Total shots taken:1


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I had a nice evening sit last night with seeing 6 total deer from my TS and one more doe I bumped on my way out. Three of which were does and 2 were bb's horsing around butting heads and playing. One other small deer I caught slipping up the creek at 80 yards I couldn't tell what it was but it was either a bb or a small doe. The first sighting was at 5:03 and it was these two does.

They came in much closer and gave me shots but I was target buck hunting this evening and felt rather certain I'd rattle something in later. I did rattle at 6:00 and was pretty aggressive but short as to not really knowing how far away the nearest buck would be as they are out cruising at this time. I did hear some sticks breaking and leaves crunching towards the head of the finger I was in and whatever it was, it hung up and wouldn't come out. I hate it when they do that especially when they CAN'T get downwind of me. Anyhow at 6:40 I had a bigass doe slip in behind me on the creek bottom(35 ft. below) and bust me thanks to the thermals. Oh well, that happens. Still a great night to be hangin' 25!

Total Hours hunting: 39 hours
Total Bucks seen:14 bucks not counting 8 bb's
Total Does seen:24
Total Yotes seen:0
Total shots taken:1

It's starting to rain down here now and I'm debating on going out now..........we'll see. Goodluck fellow TOOzers.
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
With my M-I-L passing this morning I don't know how much hunting I'll be doing in the near future. My wife has got my support and I'll be by her side during this grieving period.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Sorry to hear this Ric......If your wife is like most, she will tell you when it's OK to get back out there......if not, just ask her.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Got some catching up to do! Got the OK on Fri.(late) around 4:00pm to go out for a hunt. Skunked on a 2 hour hunt. Had 6 turks come within 25 yards.

Went Saturday morning and saw 6 does and no bucks during a 5 hour hunt. Then hunted a stand I haven't hunted yet and got skunked again. Saw 12+ squirrels though. I did get a nice buck on cam though in the cover of darkness. I will post later. This hunt was 2 hours long.

Took Sunday morning off and hunted in the evening tonight. I got to my stand at 4:30 and while pulling up my bow I caught a decent 8 with his nose to the ground down in the creek bottom at 25 yards. He never caught me which was good. At 5:15 I had another decent 8 pt. come with his nose to the ground down the same bottom. Then at 5:45 I caught another decent 8 walking along the beanfield with his nose to the ground. All were different bucks out cruising, which is the first sign of rut behavior I've witnessed so far. I also saw 4 does this evening as well. Tonight was a 2 hour hunt.

Total Hours hunting: 50 hours
Total Bucks seen:17 bucks not counting 8 bb's
Total Does seen:34
Total Yotes seen:0
Total shots taken:1
Total turks seen:8


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Here's a pic of a new buck that looks decent. Wish I had a side view of him, sorry for the poor pic quality.

Here is a pic of a small 3X1(4 pt) that bedded down from 9:15 to 9:45 this am at 33 yards from my treestand.

Total Hours hunting: 55 hours
Total Bucks seen:18 bucks not counting 8 bb's
Total Does seen:34
Total Yotes seen:0
Total shots taken:1
Total turks seen:8


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Well, it's been a long week and I finally get to hunt ALL day today. I just got home from work a little after 3 this morning and hopped in the shower and fixed a pot of JO. Gonna get partially dressed and load up my truck and fill my backpack and grab my bow and head out in a few. Park in my spot set my alarm for six and finish dressing and head to my treestand. It's gonna be a all day sit unless I see absolutely NO rutting behavior or no deer sightings then it will be just about 15 minutes out till I get to one of my two other stands with a W to SW wind. Goodluck to everyone else who's hitting it today.

My bro-n-law killed a nice 130" 10 on the 8th this week and my good friend and buddy Stacey wacked an dandy of a buck on the 9th. It will score gross easily in the 150's and net easily in the 140's. Both were killed in the early AM so it sounds like that's a dang good time to be out there. These two guys, and our TOOzer's who scored, sure got me fired up and I'll be hitting the woods harder these next 3 days than I have so far. I'll be checking in periodically during my slow times and will keep y'all updated.

I hunted 2 hours during mid-day on Wed. and got skunked. It was from 11:30 to 1:30 and had a great vantage point overlooking draws,fingers,bedding area and an unpicked beanfield. Nothing was happening. Either a doe has every swinging dick hanging around her off the property in a lockdown or the deer just weren't moving.

Total Hours hunting: 57 hours
Total Bucks seen:18 bucks not counting 8 bb's
Total Does seen:34
Total Yotes seen:0
Total shots taken:1
Total turks seen:8


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Well it's 10:30 and I've only seen two deer so far. I rattled 15 minutes after first light and brought in that little shit 3x1 again! I took several pics of him that I'll post sometime later. He looked up at me several times but never boogered and he gave me all kinds of great shot angles. Simply meandered away after 10 minutes. Then at 9:15 I had a lone bb walk thru my shooting lane. I just finished my 2nd rattling sequence about 10:15 and nothing stirred. If things don't pick up soon I'll move to my stand across the creek sometime after noon. It's just 200 yards away and I can swap 2 cards over scrapes on my way. Goodluck TOOzers!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Good deal Danno! I've been back in a different stand since 1:00 and things are still pretty dead. I know there is some rut behavior and breeding going on somwhere within a 1/2 mile or so. They just aren't close enough for me to see or hear. A buddy not far from where I am saw a shooter 10 with 3 other bucks hanging around a bedded hot doe not 50 yards from a main road. They were there from 9:30 am when he first saw them till late pm when a neighbor started mowing close by. LOCKDOWN is upon us in some areas. Just gotta stay put till she's bred and they're out searching again.

Well, I got skunked again after making my move this afternoon. I hunted all day in this cold windy day from dark to dark on 45 minutes of sleep. I'm wiped out!!! Will hit it tomorrow sometime but I'm not too excited as the lack of deer movement continues. Got to catch up on my sleep.

Total Hours hunting: 68 hours
Total Bucks seen:19 bucks not counting 9 bb's
Total Does seen:34
Total Yotes seen:0
Total shots taken:1
Total turks seen:8
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I hunted yesterday evening from 3:30 till 5:45 and saw 4 does and a 130ish 10 pt. They seemed to be on their feet more last night.

Then I slipped into the same stand this am and hunted from 8:00 to 10:00 till the winds were just to strong for hunting from a tree.lol I had a nice up and coming small 10 pt. come cruising by me out in the open at 25 yards giving me some photo ops at him. Here are a few shots of the 3x1(4 pt. on Fri. am) and the 10 pt.(this am at 8:20)

Here's the 3x1

Here's the small 10

Total Hours hunting: 61.25 hours
Total Bucks seen:20 bucks not counting 8 bb's
Total Does seen:38
Total Yotes seen:0
Total shots taken:1
Total turks seen:8
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
That's the plan Adam! Not much hunting for me till the weekends. I got vaction coming up the following week during Thanksgiving thru deer gun season. I hope to tag my buck before youth season gun weekend.