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Cotty's Journal


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ugh!!! It was a beautiful morning for action and all I saw was 2 doe. I'm baffled.

Taking the rest of the day off to hang with the family. I'll be out sometime tomorrow.

Does Seen: 41
Bucks Seen: 7 (1 shooter)
Deer Killed: 1 (5 pt buck by Kody)
Morning Hunts: 3
Evening Hunts: 14
All Day Sits: 1
Total Hunts: 18
Hours on Stand: 54
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Staff member
Rough one here TOO brother. Sat a great vantage point and saw squat. I've been skunked more since October 10th than I had been in three full seasons prior to that. It's miserable down here right now. But we're at the point you gotta keep banging your head on the stump until you're finally in the right place and the right time. Go get 'em dude. I'm rooting for you!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I'm thinking suicidal thoughts. I'm thinking committing Harry Carey from 25 feet will at least add some excitement to my hunt.

Yeah, sounds like my season as well :smiley_clap: I took the morning off and heading out for an all afternoon hunt trying too switch it up a little.... Who knows, couldn't hurt the way it's been going so far lol....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I arrived to my parking spot at 6:15 this morning. As I was getting ready I heard som deer take off below me in the woods. I finished getting ready and walked out the logging road and saw two beady eyes reflecting from my headlamp. It was either a fox or a coyote, but I'm not sure which. It just stood there and everytime I'd try to look through the binos they'd fog up. It finally looked both ways and took off.

The stand was quiet until 10:00. That's when the small 8 and 4 were chasing the doe around. I got down about 11:00 and headed home for lunch. I'm heading back out this evening with both boys. I'm putting Kody in a buddy stand with me so he can watch and Klay is sitting with my dad in a blind where Kody shot his buck earlier this season.

Does Seen: 44
Bucks Seen: 9 (1 shooter)
Deer Killed: 1 (5 pt buck by Kody)
Morning Hunts: 4
Evening Hunts: 14
All Day Sits: 1
Total Hunts: 19
Hours on Stand: 58
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
thanks Greg!

We headed to the farm where Kody shot his buck for this evening. Kody backed out because he wasn't feeling too hot. Found out when we got home he just had to take a big dump! lol
Anyway... I sat in the buddy stand all alone and my dad sat with Klay in the blind. We ended up seeing 7 doe total. No bucks following along :smiley_confused_vra

It was a nice night on stand though. At least we saw deer. That makes it worth it everytime.

Does Seen: 51
Bucks Seen: 9 (1 shooter)
Deer Killed: 1 (5 pt buck by Kody)
Morning Hunts: 4
Evening Hunts: 15
All Day Sits: 1
Total Hunts: 20
Hours on Stand: 60.5


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Keep at it Mike. I feel your pain bud. I had a horribly slow night tonight. First skunk of the season on this property.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Here's one of the doe that walked by



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
No hunting for me tonight. I went and moved a stand wayyyyy off the beaten path. I've been getting more pics of the landowners on camera than deer. The landowners don't hunt, but they walk alot on their property. I can't fault them, they like to enjoy it. However, it makes it very challenging for me. I'm thankful they are gracious enough to let me hunt and do alot of extra stuff there.

So I moved a stand into the thickest of the thick where some good trails intersect. It's a bedding area so it is mostly a morning spot. We will see how it goes on Friday. I feel a sickness coming on. Actually, I have a few personal days to use and I'm putting in for one on Friday unless the weather really turns to shit.


Senior Member
We have had the one landowner tell us he shot a young buck out of our treestand. We were giving the buck the pass. No big deal, the landowner has been great. It's the least we can do.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I hunted my thicket stand that I relocated yesterday. It's dang tough to see in there, but the deer are there.
I snuck in at 3:30. Three doe browsed around me at 5:15 til dark. I was pinned in the tree. I tried a few barks to scare them out. Apparently my bite is worse than my bark because they just looked around. Long story short I had to just get down then they ran off. I hope I didn't booger it up, but I didn't have much of a choice. They weren't going anywhere!

Does Seen: 54
Bucks Seen: 9 (1 shooter)
Deer Killed: 1 (5 pt buck by Kody)
Morning Hunts: 4
Evening Hunts: 16
All Day Sits: 1
Total Hunts: 21
Hours on Stand: 63


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Zippo tonight... I tried the ridge spot. It was all quiet until the chainsaws started above me. Then the wind came... then the snow... then the rain... then the snow and rain. Ouch!

Does Seen: 54
Bucks Seen: 9 (1 shooter)
Deer Killed: 1 (5 pt buck by Kody)
Morning Hunts: 4
Evening Hunts: 16
All Day Sits: 1
Total Hunts: 21
Hours on Stand: 65