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Big Holla & Family's 2015 Season Journal


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good deal. Even the squirrels are sluggish here today. I have seen 2 in the distance. Yawning with a hungry belly. Lol
Thanks guys!! Had a great evening tonight. All 4 of us piled into our pop up blind and had a fun evening. image.jpg

A while into the sit we ended up with 21 turkeys going past us.

About an hour before dark we had a nice fork horn come in but Jenna decided to pass. We had several other good bucks show up on camera in that area so she hoped one would show.

Not long after we were surrounded by does 360° around us when Back-Stabber stepped out at 65 yards. Thought for sure he would come check the does but his interest was just to feed and work his way north further away from us. Jenna bout crapped her pants when she spotted him LOL! All smiles from this family as we all know that was a very successful evening.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
4 people in a blind with deer 360 degrees around you? And you didn't get busted? That is one heck of a feat in itself! Looks like good quality family fun. Good stuff Chuck.
Phil you couldn't be more right, a huge testament to the scent smoker as we all smoked up before we went out that evening.

Saturday morning we didn't make it out due to the rain but as soon as it let up some Allen and I headed out for the afternoon and evening. I told Allen we would only be taking high percentage shots 20 yards and under due to the rain and he understood why.

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First deer out was a nice 6 point that came into the field at about 40 yards, walked all around and made his way across the field apparently looking for does.


A while later the 4 point we saw Friday evening walked by at 30 yards LOL! Allen was chomping at the bit but made good decisions without me saying anything. We sat til about 5 when it really started coming down and we elected to come in since we didn't like the idea of tracking a deer in the rain after dark.

Sunday morning we got up to heavy rain and the forecast and radar made us decide to hold off on going out. Probably should have just got up and headed to a shack or something as the rain slowed a lot by 9 am. All in all it was a fun Thanksgiving weekend and was glad to see an old cousin who came in to hunt with my dad for a few days. Also was real glad to meet up with a couple old forum friends Kurtis and Pete and their wonderful families for dinner Saturday evening. Well worth the trip to see all of them. Now it's back to the grind as I'm sitting in my chair at home in Michigan preparing for the long work week waiting to hear who killed or saw what. Good thing is I have two kids with licenses and myself as well so I can't wait to get back down already!!

Good luck to those heading out this week! Be safe!
Boy, where do I start?!?! Since a few have been doing recaps I figured it was time to get a few things off of my chest.

Had someone asked me back in August or September how things looked I would have said other than not shooting my bow as much as I wanted things were definitely looking positive for the deer season. I had several nice bucks on the property, most of which would have been perfect for my son or daughter to go after. I had only a couple glimpses of the buck we called Pointdexter, the buck that seemingly disappeared a few years in a row around the end of October and two years ago showed up on Taylor's (Diablo) dad's place. A few camera moves later and I thought we had a good chance at getting a shot at him. The only thing I had against me was not having vacation time to use........aaahhh that wouldn't matter would it?!

The first of October rolled around and wouldn't you know it, we had life get in the way of making the early trips down I had hoped. Allen and I made it a couple times but things just weren't working out. I was second guessing everything I was doing and where we were sitting. Time and Allen's interest seemed to be running out fast. A couple short weekends and LONG drives were wearing on him...and me too a little.

Maybe I shouldn't write this but it goes hand in hand with how miserable this year turned out and it's something I feel I need to get off of my chest. My friendship with my old college buddy dissolved for good around the start of November as well which put a big damper on me even wanting to hunt much down there this year. It was only a matter of time though with how he was talking to me and acting for the last couple of years. My personal health from worry and my concerns for my safety as well as my family's was and is much more important. I truly hope he gets the help he needs.

Any who, Thanksgiving rolled around and we enjoyed that trip being out. Weather sucked and screwed us a little but we saw deer including Backstabber as Allen called him. I can only hope we find his sheds, hopefully he is still alive. December I thought for sure I'd make a couple trips down. However work demands and the demands of having a decent Christmas kept me at home. Even after Christmas while the kids were off I had the pipe dream of making a long weekend down. However with no vacation time and multiple college softball camps planned for my daughter in January and February there simply was no way I could.

I have hoped and prayed I could just get a weekend to just go down to sit in a stand before the end of the season. Now here I am at the end of January, a week before the official end of the Ohio bow season, and I'm throwing in the towel. Every weekend for the last several weeks and until the end of February we have camps planned though. Will it all be in vain? I hope not for Jenna's sake. The thought of her being a senior in high school next year has me scared to death. In a way I am disappointed that her and I didn't get to spend much time the last few years in the woods together. But at the same time I can see her love for softball and how much she enjoys it too. I just hope she doesn't have any regrets though. As for Allen he is hot and heavy into basketball and preparing for baseball for the last month or so as well. Not sure where he falls on hunting any more. For me this all has been the hardest part of being a dad, putting my desires and dreams on hold while they learn to become who they are today. I can only hope I've done a good enough job so they too can one day look back and remember the good times.

From here I will again begin to hope and pray to be able to get down there to put up trail cameras, look for shed antlers, scout and even move or add a few treestands. Minerals need to be put out and things need to get done. If they don't because something comes up with the kids and sports....well that's OK. We will get there when we can and hopefully the kids and momma too enjoy it and we can make some new memories this year. Now...if I can just save some F'ing vacation time LOL!!


Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
I understand how you feel about time in the woods with your kids. I have been there myself. It seems like you have given them a good outdoors foundation. In years to come when life slows down you will get great quality time with them. The sports will only last so long, enjoy it while you can. Hunting is the one thing you can do together forever.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Spencie typed what I was thinking. Enjoy the sports. They won't be forever. The foundation has been built. We have the rest of our lives (after kids are finished with school) to hunt and spend time with kids and eventually grandkids. It is difficult for me as it is MY passion. I feel your pain. I really do. I don't know how much more difficult it must be for you. I live close to where I hunt and it is a difficult juggle with me time/kid time/wife time/work time. I can't imagine adding in additional drive time to the juggle.

Hang in there Chuck.


Tatonka guide.
ChuckC let me sum it up for you... Life... You have a pretty good one considering all the obstacles .. Hunting will be there when your ready.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
I can't add much more than what the other guys said Chuck. Just chalk it up as one of those years. Missing time in the woods is tough but spending time with family is the priority. You're doing all the right things buddy.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Ditto to what everyone else has posted as well Chuck! Hang in there buddy and just know the quality time you spent with your children as a father is what's more important!
Can't thank you guys that replied enough!! Sometimes we all need encouragement when things don't seem to be going the way we envisioned before our kids came into our lives. Growing up I was completely ate up with bowhunting and archery, so much that I chose it over sports. I guess at times I have felt that I haven't done enough to keep them involved in the outdoors rather than them choosing sports over the outdoors. I think you guys are right though, they both have seen the excitement involved in it and in time hopefully they will reflect on that and have the desire to go more.