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BC’s boat


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
I’ve been out driving around to bass pro and cabelas. Had been looking for bunk swivel bracket kits and c.e. Smith adjustable bunk bracket and the prices are insane and plus they were all gone. So, I got on the eBay to see what I could find and this is good enough for me . So, I’m going to go ahead and order em. https://www.ebay.com/itm/283975006328


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
Worked on the boat trailer. Not completely done yet. Came up short on the carpet for the bunk board. Was gonna go with 2X4X8 but decided to go with 2X6X8. I only had enough carpet for one. So, I’ll go back tomorrow to get another roll, psh. Went ahead installed the short bunk guide. Then I tried to install the bunk boards and come to find out that the u-bolt sticks out long enough that the thread was too far out, dang it. They were like $5 each, psh. So, gonna have to look for a different one.


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
Well, I went to bass pro to go ahead buy the u-bolts. They were $10 each. Fugg it…while I’m there might as well buy it. I thought about doing like what Dave said to buy the long thread ones and do it myself. So, I done the math to see what it’ll cost me to do myself. Lowe’s has em 7/16x24” $7 so if I had gotten 4 of them would be $28. Plus tax and don’t forget to add the cost for nuts and washers. So, I just went with what bass pro has. I get home and it fits. So, also got more carpet for the bunk board and short guide on. Tomorrow I will grab two 24” 2X4 for the short guide on and will go from there.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Next time simply double nut that ubolt then cut them off. Upon removal of the second nut that will chase that lead thread back out. If you have at least 3 threads stick out you have ample thread engagement.

Sum bish. All these years I've touched them up with a bastard file. A couple of swipes at a 45 where the lead thread meets the top, then one swipe with the corner in the valley of the lead thread. Not hard but way harder than what you just said. Thanks!