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Anyone running squirrel dogs?


Senior Member
A couple of things; I'm rather a novice myself. I lucked into a dog that is a complete natural. he's my first and only squirrel dog. (see the thread titled "serious Lefty" on this forum if you haven't already looked at it) you can't teach them to tree. I'm told by real dog handlers that they either do it or they don't, but you have to give them a chance. Lefty treed his first squirrel all on his own at the bike path in J-town when he was 6 months old. I've hunted him hard ever since and he just keeps getting better. luckily, I haven't done much damage to his development with my inexperience.

I don't take the dog out much until all the leaves are down. I get busy running the dog and killing rats after the first week of December, after gun season.