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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


Staff member
My wife is in health care, and if you dont know someone in that profession, it is a shit-show. Especially how they are treated. Obviously they are being forced to take the vaccine, and while there are some exemptions, at the end of the day its the employers call. Threatening to take someone's livelihood over a shot that hasnt been regulated for a year is about as low as you can get. My wife was on the fence about the vaccine but caved, and its caused some serious stress on her and our marriage. Have to give props to those on the front lines of this BS
I feel for you brother. My wife has been with her employer for 13 years and is the senior nurse in their Cath Lab. She's also 5 months pregnant, so that compounds what we're dealing with. She's had a gut feeling from Day 1 that she shouldn't get the vaccine and so far, has avoided being forced to do so. Their health system will go bankrupt faster if they mandate, than if the Feds mess with them, so we believe they won't mandate until forced to by the Feds. But they're also spewing fear porn daily on their social media and ranking members of their leadership team are actively spreading mistruths in the community. Like saying their OBs are telling the pregnant and nursing to get it, when multiple women have been advised against it by the OBs. The only stress our marriage is seeing is what she's been bringing home, but she's also riding my ass about being more careful and not going to public gatherings. I guess I can't blame her as she does have a point given how erratic the virus' effects are on people. Sending positive vibes your way as you guys navigate this issue. The math is pretty simple for us. She has no other job to go to and we can't lose 50% of our household income without some MAJOR life changes, so she'll likely get it when forced to do so, but not until after the baby is born. We're close enough to the finish line now, I think we can avoid that. (Knock on wood.)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I feel for you brother. My wife has been with her employer for 13 years and is the senior nurse in their Cath Lab. She's also 5 months pregnant, so that compounds what we're dealing with. She's had a gut feeling from Day 1 that she shouldn't get the vaccine and so far, has avoided being forced to do so. Their health system will go bankrupt faster if they mandate, than if the Feds mess with them, so we believe they won't mandate until forced to by the Feds. But they're also spewing fear porn daily on their social media and ranking members of their leadership team are actively spreading mistruths in the community. Like saying their OBs are telling the pregnant and nursing to get it, when multiple women have been advised against it by the OBs. The only stress our marriage is seeing is what she's been bringing home, but she's also riding my ass about being more careful and not going to public gatherings. I guess I can't blame her as she does have a point given how erratic the virus' effects are on people. Sending positive vibes your way as you guys navigate this issue. The math is pretty simple for us. She has no other job to go to and we can't lose 50% of our household income without some MAJOR life changes, so she'll likely get it when forced to do so, but not until after the baby is born. We're close enough to the finish line now, I think we can avoid that. (Knock on wood.)
My wife’s OB gave her pretty clear instructions to not get the jab. He said he wouldn’t let his own wife get it… especially if pregnant.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
5,000,0000,000 vaccinations have been administered world wide - so how does this square with current negative reports ?

Reports to VAERS over time for deaths only. It's estimated that only about 10-15% are being reported as the DHS doctor in the video confirmed. The reality is if this was any other vaccine it would have never seen day 2 on the market. The logic for approval is the risk of the vaccine is less than the risk of covid. Similar to how it's less risky to run through a burning room than stay in a burning house. Some will make it, some won't, but those people are acceptable casualties. The trick is they can't acknowledge that as the approach or nobody will get the damn thing. People. dont like gambling with their own lives, especially those who have a statistically insignificant risk. There is also some data trickery going on concerning vaccine effectiveness. A person is not considered "vaccinated" until 30 days post the second dose. So if a person gets covid before that, they're counted as an unvaccinated illness. They also stopped tracking vaccinated illness unless it results in hospitalization. So they're pulling all the stops to make this vaccine look the best it can. Underreporting and disqualifying reactions while inflating effectiveness.


Here is a chart on myocarditis by age. It doesn't take a doctorate to see this is bad bad bad. But Pfizer just yesterday submitted study results so they can get the shot approved in 5-12-year-olds. The lowest vulnerability group with statistically insignificant covid impacts.


Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Reports to VAERS over time for deaths only. It's estimated that only about 10-15% are being reported as the DHS doctor in the video confirmed. The reality is if this was any other vaccine it would have never seen day 2 on the market. The logic for approval is the risk of the vaccine is less than the risk of covid. Similar to how it's less risky to run through a burning room than stay in a burning house. Some will make it, some won't, but those people are acceptable casualties. The trick is they can't acknowledge that as the approach or nobody will get the damn thing. People. dont like gambling with their own lives, especially those who have a statistically insignificant risk. There is also some data trickery going on concerning vaccine effectiveness. A person is not considered "vaccinated" until 30 days post the second dose. So if a person gets covid before that, they're counted as an unvaccinated illness. They also stopped tracking vaccinated illness unless it results in hospitalization. So they're pulling all the stops to make this vaccine look the best it can. Underreporting and disqualifying reactions while inflating effectiveness.

View attachment 135867View attachment 135868

Here is a chart on myocarditis by age. It doesn't take a doctorate to see this is bad bad bad. But Pfizer just yesterday submitted study results so they can get the shot approved in 5-12-year-olds. The lowest vulnerability group with statistically insignificant covid impacts.

View attachment 135869

Apply this world wide ?


Senior Member
Apply this world wide ?
doubtful, but I don't understand why that would even matter? the games being played in the US with the data are the issue here, and maybe other countries are playing the same game, but maybe not. some serious fuckery going on with the way this failing treatment is being propped up by misrepresenting and omitting the actual facts about illness and hospitalizations right along side the full court press to force a needle in everyones arm whether they like it or not. never mind the ongoing purposeful ignorance of the relevance of natural immunity. those graphs are pretty graphic. good stuff, Joe. (y)

all of this has gotten more and more rotten every day for the last `18 months.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I feel you guys with a spouse in the field. Even if we could financially handle my wife leaving her paycheck. . . Where do we get our health insurance? Even if we figured this out. . . Why should she leave a field of employment in which she is fulfilled? Passionate Teachers love to educate. Passionate nurses love to serve their patients. They put their heart and soul into it. It would be difficult for my wife to find another career which was as rewarding to her. This is bigger than maintaining your principles or making a statement.


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
I believe most everyone is going to have to make similar decisions before it is over.

Companies are starting to charge employees that are unvaccinated a surcharge for health insurance. A lot of companies already do this for tobacco users. They are now starting to do it for the unvaccinated. I saw an article that stated Delta is already doing it. $200 a month more for insurance if you are not vaccinated.

If you receive VA benefits to include health benefits and/or monthly compensation, don’t be surprised if they eventually require a vaccine to continue to receive benefits. This will be a big hit to a lot of our veterans. I did some quick math for myself and just the health insurance is about a $250k benefit for someone my age.

These are just a couple examples of decisions that many of us are going to be faced with before this thing is over. Balls or not these are going to be tough decisions.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
doubtful, but I don't understand why that would even matter? the games being played in the US with the data are the issue here, and maybe other countries are playing the same game, but maybe not. some serious fuckery going on with the way this failing treatment is being propped up by misrepresenting and omitting the actual facts about illness and hospitalizations right along side the full court press to force a needle in everyones arm whether they like it or not. never mind the ongoing purposeful ignorance of the relevance of natural immunity. those graphs are pretty graphic. good stuff, Joe. (y)

all of this has gotten more and more rotten every day for the last `18 months.

Well comparison with other countries might shed some light. Nancy get n any pressure on this at her school ?


Senior Member
Well comparison with other countries might shed some light. Nancy get n any pressure on this at her school ?
nothing official from the district, just the expected mask shaming from all the commies and snowflakes she works with. She's definitely in a very small minority. The damn union is probably more of an issue than the district. Her students, besides like 5 out of 150, don't give a shit about Covid19 anymore. they are jumping through the hoops because the have to in order to stay in school. The district is not really pushing hard, surprisingly, administrators not policing the mask wearing at all. Dog and pony show. case numbers don't seem to be any problem at her school.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
I believe most everyone is going to have to make similar decisions before it is over.

Companies are starting to charge employees that are unvaccinated a surcharge for health insurance. A lot of companies already do this for tobacco users. They are now starting to do it for the unvaccinated. I saw an article that stated Delta is already doing it. $200 a month more for insurance if you are not vaccinated.

If you receive VA benefits to include health benefits and/or monthly compensation, don’t be surprised if they eventually require a vaccine to continue to receive benefits. This will be a big hit to a lot of our veterans. I did some quick math for myself and just the health insurance is about a $250k benefit for someone my age.

These are just a couple examples of decisions that many of us are going to be faced with before this thing is over. Balls or not these are going to be tough decisions.

Bingo. It will likely be forced by health insurance providers as a cost avoidance measure. They don't give two shits about your health unless it costs them money. As long as they can save more on services than members who die that's a win for the bottom line. I fully expect to see a health insurance impact when our company does the annual open enrollment.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Bingo. It will likely be forced by health insurance providers as a cost avoidance measure. They don't give two shits about your health unless it costs them money. As long as they can save more on services than members who die that's a win for the bottom line. I fully expect to see a health insurance impact when our company does the annual open enrollment.

Yep to many $$$$$ on all the tables


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Bingo. It will likely be forced by health insurance providers as a cost avoidance measure. They don't give two shits about your health unless it costs them money. As long as they can save more on services than members who die that's a win for the bottom line. I fully expect to see a health insurance impact when our company does the annual open enrollment.
Our open enrollment starts October 2nd. I will see what the changes are. It may be time to decide if I am going to keep employer insurance or if I will rely solely on VA.


Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
The United States is again reporting more than 2,000 COVID-19 deaths per day, a level not seen in more than six months.

Johns Hopkins University data shows the nation reported 14,220 deaths in the week ending Tuesday. At this pace, an American dies of COVID-19 every 43 seconds.

In July, deaths were as low as 1,525 per week, or a little more than 200 per day, meaning they're almost 10 times higher now. Put another way, as many Americans are now dying every 18 hours of COVID-19 as were dying in a full week just a few months ago.


Senior Member
The United States is again reporting more than 2,000 COVID-19 deaths per day, a level not seen in more than six months.

Johns Hopkins University data shows the nation reported 14,220 deaths in the week ending Tuesday. At this pace, an American dies of COVID-19 every 43 seconds.

In July, deaths were as low as 1,525 per week, or a little more than 200 per day, meaning they're almost 10 times higher now. Put another way, as many Americans are now dying every 18 hours of COVID-19 as were dying in a full week just a few months ago.
Not sure what the source of these statistics is, and it doesn't really matter to me anyway as I don't really believe anything I read or hear about this stuff, but I do not believe for one second that all of these people are dying FROM Covid, and, at this point with the amount of data available, I don't see how any rational, thinking person could. most of them may well be dying WITH it, but actually dying from the same old things that people die from every second of every day. it simply defies logic, and this exaggeration/misreporting has been exposed over and over. all of this is a means to an end.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Not sure what the source of these statistics is, and it doesn't really matter to me anyway as I don't really believe anything I read or hear about this stuff, but I do not believe for one second that all of these people are dying FROM Covid, and, at this point with the amount of data available, I don't see how any rational, thinking person could. most of them may well be dying WITH it, but actually dying from the same old things that people die from every second of every day. it simply defies logic, and this exaggeration/misreporting has been exposed over and over. all of this is a means to an end.

John Hopkins University data
I would swear by anything you told me about making trad bows. Covid opinions well you know what there like everyone has one
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