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Make sure you go Whitetails Unlimited, Mossy Oak, etc banquet spend a bunch of money, say a prayer before the meal and listen to bunch rich guys talk about how we are a brotherhood and we need to stick together. That should make you feel better because the industry got your back!

im sorry you lost your spot, in all seriousness if you have a younger grandson or child take them with you over to the property owner and offer to pay more than the leasers Ask the property owner what it will take to get you and your grandson back on land to continue the tradition.
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I am sorry for your lost. It sucks and I know it personally.

That said- here are two anecdotes you didn't ask for. Next to our family farm in NY, we had a hunt club of city people buy a section of old railbed. 110 feet wide by about 1.5 miles long. They they trespass, they kill everything (in and out of season) cheating on every game law, heck they litter and even don't speak English. They've been cited by the gamies and even some local "comments" made to them by other neighbors. We could've bought the place cheap but didn't. When something goes for sale- assume the worst and buy it. We own their behavior almost as much as they do.

Experience number two. Since I am one of these out of state folks I wanted to share my perspective. I have been hunting ohio private and public since the early 2000s and have been asking about property for sale, using realtors and watching every real estate venue i could. Ive easily spent weeks of my time looking at listings, walked a couple dozen pieces, put in over a dozen bids, high and lows and finally found a place. This particular piece had rather absentee owners for the last 50 years. A few of the locals claimed it as their own. One neighbor had even passed it off as his to others. They never spoke with the owners, asked, nothing .....just trespassed. I am now the out of state asshole (a big NY City tycoon) who has ruined their trails, hunting and rural OH setting on the edge of town. When in actuality, I'm a strapped blue collar dude who has busted my ass (and made a ton of sacrifice) and is one step closer to our dream of moving to Ohio where we want to be. Not saying or insinuating this is your situation but I from experiences all over the US there are a lot of folks who don't have a two way relationship with landowners which will bite them in the ass at some point.

Aside from personal empathy, or even Ohio exclusivity, hunting has been proceeding toward the European "pay to play" model for years. If anyone thinks it sucks now, it will continually get worse. I hunt a bunch of public and some of it is trashed. Another aspect to this are the city folks who want to be hobby farmers or rural liberals with the ability to work from home or buy your farm with a couple years salary. There is also the lack of profit in small scale farming, high taxation or folks who dont have kids wanting to carry on the lineage. Its also tough for a fella not to sell swamp he bought for $200 an ac, or free wooded sections for 2-10k an ac right now. Have you guys noted how much strip mine, clear cut or even E Palestine dirt is selling for? IT IS NOT GOING BACKWARDS AT ALL. Whether you hate the local seller leaser, or the purchaser from near or far, the choice is improve your situation by buying or know your outcomes are only as good as your life's good graces. Its a deadly choice not to adapt.

On a more positive suggestion- knocking on doors with your grandson in actual accompaniment will result in access somewhere. You'd be teaching him something lost in this country too- effort and humility. Only you two can help your situation and while you may be livid at me or the content of this post....its your choice to make things better or remain caught in the quick sand. I also would extend help in my area for access- knowing folks leasing, good public opp or potentially even swapping your labor for access to my place.


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Sorry for the situation your in... As GJS4 said get out there and knock on some doors and you'll find another spot... Not as easy as it used to be but still possible... As for leasing, unfortunately the way it is today... In today's economy you really can't blame the landowner for wanting to pick up some extra cash to be used towards taxes or whatever...And just for the record non residents are not the only ones tying up properties through leases, residents also lease, including members of this site....


Sorry for the situation your in... As GJS4 said get out there and knock on some doors and you'll find another spot... Not as easy as it used to be but still possible... As for leasing, unfortunately the way it is today... In today's economy you really can't blame the landowner for wanting to pick up some extra cash to be used towards taxes or whatever...And just for the record non residents are not the only ones tying up properties through leases, residents also lease, including members of this site....
I fixed my post from out of stater to leaser, I was just trying to describe the person who is now hunting the property. No hard feelings toward out of staters
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I understand why landowners lease, I don't understand why they don't offer the lease to a person they've allowed to hunt for years first. Especially when the other guys are out of town strangers doing it for profit.
I agree 100%.... You would think they have gotten to know and respect each other over the years.... But on the other hand maybe their relationship soured....
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Junior Member
Grew up next to the farm,helped worked the farm when I was home. Know every inch of the property Will be getting permission on two adjacent properties,lol. Let them run them two me. It will taken them a couple years to get on the deer. Crop rotations,etc. My knowledge was earned and so should their's!


Grew up next to the farm,helped worked the farm when I was home. Know every inch of the property Will be getting permission on two adjacent properties,lol. Let them run them two me. It will taken them a couple years to get on the deer. Crop rotations,etc. My knowledge was earned and so should their's!
Glad u found a solution, I would still attempt to buy back the lease
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