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So close


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
The first thing that needs changed is the way people think about guns. Hell, we are a group of gun owners talking about how bad the owners are. That has been beat into our head and needs changed.

The hot head that road rages? You think this makes a difference in that situation? You can still drive away or make the choice to engage. I see the same happening, as the people involved haven't changed.


The first thing that needs changed is the way people think about guns. Hell, we are a group of gun owners talking about how bad the owners are. That has been beat into our head and needs changed.

The hot head that road rages? You think this makes a difference in that situation? You can still drive away or make the choice to engage. I see the same happening, as the people involved haven't
Just to clear this is up for me, this is a non issue for me , sort of like hunting bear or mountain lion with hounds, do I ever really want to do it…. No, but do I defend houndsman’s rights in public when dealing with antihunters, absolutely… same with permitless carry, I’ll argue in house with my fellow 2a brothers about my opinion/preferences, but stand united when facing anti 2a people.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Mississippi has constitutional carry, stand your ground, and castle doctrine which extends to more than inside your home or vehicle. "dwelling, vehicle, place of business, place of employment or in the immediate premises thereof in which such person shall be." Beyond the defense of grave personal injury or death, they've also added "resisting the commission of a felony." There isn't a duty to notify either. To top it all off, there is no minimum age restriction for constitutional carry.

I say all that to say this, if we listen to the anti crowd you would think this is dodge city and people are getting in guns blazing shootouts over a head of lettuce. That just isn't the case.


Senior Member
Mississippi has constitutional carry, stand your ground, and castle doctrine which extends to more than inside your home or vehicle. "dwelling, vehicle, place of business, place of employment or in the immediate premises thereof in which such person shall be." Beyond the defense of grave personal injury or death, they've also added "resisting the commission of a felony." There isn't a duty to notify either. To top it all off, there is no minimum age restriction for constitutional carry.

I say all that to say this, if we listen to the anti crowd you would think this is dodge city and people are getting in guns blazing shootouts over a head of lettuce. That just isn't the case.
exactly right. in fact, pretty much the exact opposite is the case, generally speaking. the places with the most stringent gun control laws (almost invariably liberal cesspools for decades) have among the highest crime rates. these correlations are well documented, and the only way around them is to lie about it, which the gun control loons do routinely.

Joe, are you sure you don't have to be 18 to carry concealed?
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Joe, are you sure you don't have to be 18 to carry concealed?

You have to be 21 to obtain a concealed carry permit in Ms. While MS has a constitutional carry law, they still have a permit procedure for reciprocity reasons. For that permit, you have to be 21. To constitutional carry, there isn't an age restriction listed in the law. If we look at the possession of a firearm by a minor law its not a violation if they possess a weapon for competition events, target shooting, hunting and trapping or self defense. The short of it is there isn't an age or possession restriction in Ms for constitutional carry for self-defense.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
The one that gets me is Ms justifiable homicide law includes not just grave body harm or life but commission of a felony against persons. So felony harrassment which is defined as.

"A person commits the felony offense of harassment in the first degree if he or she, without good cause, engages in any act with the purpose to cause emotional distress to another person, and such act does cause such person to suffer emotional distress"

And the castle doctrine extends to the immediate vicinity thereof for vehicles, domiciles, workplaces etc. So say abusive boyfriend wants to harrass a woman at work as she walks to her car and she pops him. Justifiable homicide and she's protected from civil litigation. Say someone shows up at your house running their mouth with the intent to cause "emotional damage" and you step out in the yard and they take the ground temperature challenge. Justifiable homicide.