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Yotes and Red Fox

This afternoon , I took the ATV down behind dads house to check 2 snares ( Nothing )

But just after 1 PM I watched a great looking Red Fox hunt mice in the CPR field

OK I used to see a fair number of Red Foxs and some Grays
I had great luck trapping them also
But the last few years the Yotes have moved in and it seened the foxs either left or changed hunting areas

But this fall I killed that female Yote and the neibors killed a nice male Yote during deer gun season
And now I am seeing Fox tracks again , almost every time I go down to the creek

So I guess , not only will shooting Yotes help the deer
But it looks like it helps the Foxs out also

So go kill some Yotes and a Fox will thank you :pickle:



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I took the alpha male yote off a farm a couple weeks ago and I haven't seen many yote tracks since. My guess is that it won't be long before another male moves in.


Senior Member
Now we know what the fox says! It says "Thank you for killing yotes", Diane would be pretty excited to know that.

That's pretty wild tho that they started showing up after the yotes were killed, makes sense I guess.


Junior Member
Clark county
I've had a similar experience with red fox, used to see them and pheasant nearly every day on my parents property till the coyotes came in thick about 10 years ago. About 2-3 years back we were able to snare a big male and small female and my brother called in and killed about a 30lb male. The removal of those 3 yotes brought a mating pair of red fox back to the property and they chose to have a litter underneath a shed about 20-30 yards from the back door of the house. I'm assuming they did this because a) the yotes weren't as thick and b) they were living that close to the house for safety. The pheasant never returned.

We haven't got a yote since then and we no longer see the fox anymore so I know they've thickened back up. Deer numbers have dropped by quite a bit too. Surprisingly groundhog and rabbit numbers have risen I've seen more of them in 2013 then I have since the coyotes came in.