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Yellow Jackets


Senior Member
In the past 3 weeks I have found 4 different yellow jacket nests......the hard way.
Two weeks ago while mowing I was stung 12 times.
Now this past weekend while mowing I got stung 2 more times.
I gas each yellow jacket nest when they find me. Ouch!
It's definitely a buzzy bee season out there.


Staff member
I hate bees worse than just about anything! I got lucky while weedeating last weekend at the farm. Turns out that I weedeated right over a bumble bee nest in the road bank and somehow never got stung. Had that been a yellow jacket nest, they would have lit me up! I had one under my deck last year and found them as I was cleaning out the hostas in the fall. Had my face about 12" from the hole and one came out of the other entrance and nailed me. Fuggin' bastards!!!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I've got a nest of yellows somewhere close by the house. All summer long I've seen them everywhere flying,hovering and crawling on or over my lawn. Fuggars are worse than bees cuz they can sting you more than once!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I've got a nest of yellows somewhere close by the house. All summer long I've seen them everywhere flying,hovering and crawling on or over my lawn. Fuggars are worse than bees cuz they can sting you more than once!

Hate the bastards! I had a nest in the ground and mowed over it. I haven't ran that fast in a long, long time. That was the starting gun for the fatman 500. lol


*Supporting Member*
N.E. O-H-I-O
I hate bees too. Got stung minding my own business over Labor Day weekend. I got lucky Saturday morning and spotted a new ground nest right under the hitch end of the trailer due to the angle of the sun. I normally stand right where the nest is while hooking the trailer up.

I also hate being up in a stand early season and having bees buzz me. I have one stand that seems to attract wasps every year. At least I am covered head to to with camo. Every year I remove the seats from ladder and hang on stands after season so they dont buld nests in them. Learned that one the hard way! Can't run very far up 20 feet!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Seems like the yellow jackets have been worse than normal this season... at least, around these parts. I've been running into and hearing about excavators hitting yellow jacket nests at pretty much every other job lately. I fuggin hate bees...
I hate bees. Last week I was heading in from a bear hunt and pissed off a ground hornet nest. I ran across newly timbered clearcut which has a logging road run threw it. I bust threw the brush and leapt into the middle of the logging road with my bow in my left hand. I scared the shit out of some dumb hipster kid who was parked on the side of the road in a VW. Im not sure what he was up too? Somehow my arrow remained noched during my sprint threw the brush. I guess the Wiskery Biscuit is good for something after all.

Shoulder Blade

Junior Member
Earlier this summer I heard a scratching over the ceiling in my son's room. A few days leter I noticed a darker spot on the ceiling. I thought little of it until my wife mentioned the area. Later that day I went up to it and touched it. My finger almost went thru. Called the exterminator figuring it was a mouse nest. He said it was yellow jackets over the phone. Guy was here within the hour and said the nest (all 18in x 18in of it) would have been on the floor that nite. We could have gotten really hurt or killed, not sure how many stings a 3yo can take.


Tatonka guide.
get you some gasket spray and hit them when they come out of then stomp the piss out of them...