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Will There Come A Day????????????


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
Only a few years ago there would be NO way in hell I would miss opening day of bow season. But, there is always a but you know, time, years, health, and desire weight on a person. Today I missed another opening day. It has seemed to get easier with each passing year and I settle for a few days afield. Old age mostly I guess.

If you’re out there today, Great! Do it as long as you can for like the sand through the hour glass, life will slip on. Hope you never come to the fork in the road, hunt or not to hunt! It’s painful! Stay safe, aim small!
I'm right there with you on that. I can't remember the last opening day I actually made it out now. I have an easier to use excuse though as Michigan's opening day is always October 1 and for it to land on a weekend is where I would need it to be but even when it has I recall saying it was too hot anyways the last time. Ohio is a 6 1/2 hour drive and I wasn't prepared to make that trip this weekend due to poor planning on my part. Oh well, hopefully I can get rid of the excuses and start making things happen before my kids graduate and move on with their lives never knowing how exciting an opening day can be.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
My day came earlier than expected but I was able to get back in to it. Fall of 2004 I injured my back and after a years worth of therapy they finally operated in late 2005. By the fall of 2006 I was physically able to hunt again but I really had no interest. Not sure why but it just didn't appeal to me. I didn't hunt 2007 or 2008 so I had now missed 5 seasons and I didn't really seem to miss it. In 2009 my youngest son who was 9 at the time begged me to take him out the first day of rifle so I did. We were still hunting a power line and kicked up 5 deer with me almost getting a shot at a nice 6 point. That was all it took and I was back in. The next year I got the bow back out and had my first bow kill in 9 years. Then in 2011 I made my first trip to Ohio. Now I hunt more than I ever did. Funny thing is if my son never showed interest I'd probably still not be back in the woods. I guess what I'm saying is that time does come for all of us but if you still have the desire and health there's no reason why we can't do this in to our golden years.
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Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Tell muh bout it cob - i sat on the back porch swing yday and watched the fog burn off - guess it doan matter much if i kill stuff any more - that and these dang 77 year old kneez and eyez - but and theres always a butt - man i had some great times hunting -dang - prolly get out a few times this year - just wait'n for the inner voice ta say "geezer today is the day - dang - ftw
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Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
My day came earlier than expected but I was able to get back in to it. Fall of 2004 I injured my back and after a years worth of therapy they finally operated in late 2005. By the fall of 2006 I was physically able to hunt again but I really had no interest. Not sure why but it just didn't appeal to me. I didn't hunt 2007 or 2008 so I had now missed 5 seasons and I didn't really seem to miss it. In 2009 my youngest son who was 9 at the time begged me to take him out the first day of rifle so I did. We were still hunting a power line and kicked up 5 deer with me almost getting a shot at a nice 6 point. That was all it took and I was back in. The next year I got the bow back out and had my first bow kill in 9 years. Then in 2011 I made my first trip to Ohio. Now I hunt more than I ever did. Funny thing is if my son never showed interest I'd probably still not be back in the woods. I guess what I'm saying is that time does come for all of us but if you still have the desire and health there's no reason why we can't do this in to our golden years.

Man there AIN'T NO GOLDEN YEARS - just a lot of scrap metal - just do the best ya can every day and fugg it - glad your back the game - dang
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Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
So, I ain't the only one! Lol.
For me it's a combination of things, but getting older is prolly the issue. Don't get me wrong , I love to deer hunt, but my enthusasium for opening day, isn't as important.
There will be better days ahead, and that's a fact! Lol
You have plenty of company brother. At age 62 I still have plenty of drive, BUT the old gears don't mesh like they used to. My dad is my biggest inspiration. He turned 86 in April. Last week he picked up his five deer tags which he has every intention of filling. Three for Carroll County and two for Portage County. He rides his ATV to and from his stands and hunts at least 30 - 40 days every season. He tells me all the time to do what ever I have to do to keep me in the game. I take his advice and find ways to get it done. Will I make it to 86 like he has? Only time will tell, and that time is going by very quickly.