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What's in your cup?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country

Some old mixed with the new on the rocks.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This thread's been inactive for too long. Drink up, bitches...

Tonight it's Four Roses single barrel bourbon. I got it as a gift so I'm not sure where to get it or what it costs, but it's pretty solid. Nice oak flavor with a sharp bite at the end. God bless America.



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Yesterday evening my neighbor invited us over for a far. Yeah, TOO hot for a far you might say but just been TOO dang long since we had one so he said screw it and I agreed! :smiley_coolpeace:

Sooooooo, filled up the 30 Oz. with some Jose' Margi gold till that ran out and then switched to SA summer ale till it was gone. The OT did more than impress me and my drinks were always nice and cold!:pickle:

Had the far roaring when the sun went down......



Had some bird dog whiskey after shooting at Punderson State Park with my girlfriend's dad and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with how good it was. Then after that went to Downtown Willoughby with my girlfriend and her parents for a festival called Pig and Whiskey which was what it sounds like, smoked pork anything and Whiskey of all kinds. Got some Washington Apple's there then went to a friend's house for some Crown Black and Ginger ale. It was a whiskey kind of night last night that's for sure.



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
All you guys drinking that AH made me buy a small bottle today. Got home and realized I didn't have anything to mix it with besides some Sprite. (To early in the day to go straight and end up making "that's nice" post, lol)

Refreshing and smooth