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What do you think this 12 point will score?

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
What do you think this buck scored?


Junior Member
I would say that deer would go 150 gross give or take a few. Tougher to guess that one, because no side view to really gauge the tines. Plus infared is tougher for me to tell how much mass.


Junior Member
I feel like I'm being tested....lol I usually fail tests! lol I don't want to get into a pissing contest about who is better at judging deer. lol I feel like I am trying to defend what my deer I killed scored now. lol Like I said we have seen the deer in question... this year and last year. The pictures do not do it justice. It is bigger than any deer My Father, or I have ever killed. We have a dozen or so that go in the 135-155 category. Our new standards are not to shoot anything under 140" unless it is an old deer that is never going to be anything. Thats what we try to do, and that is why I hate to see someone kill that deer this year, because I know that deer is 3.5 years old, and even if it does only score 155. Next year that deer is going to be over 170 for sure. No more arguing over what it scores, because it is all a guess, and an opinion of a guess, until we have the antlers in hand, and score it. lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nobody is really trying to argue here. 150plus started this thread with a question... His question was, "What do you think this deer will score?" Well, for some reason there are several of us that are estimating mid-150s and you don't want to hear it.

I know pictures often don't do a deer justice... and this deer may be a big-bodied deer... But there are certain attributes that remain fairly constant no matter how big the deer is. Things like ear length, distance between the ear tips, distance between the eyes... These are things we can use as a very good reference when estimating lengths of tines, inside spread, etc. You asked me what I thought you were overestimating. IMO, his G3s are not even close to being 13" and the main beams are probably closer to 21" than 24". I also don't think his beams are as massive as what you've estimated.


Junior Member
Ok heres the thing. When I did the estimated score. I said 11.5" G3's. I used that, and said even though I know there 12-13", because they were like 11" last year. Even if you took an inch off of everyone of the mass measurements I did it would still go 162. Right down what you think everything would be? 21" beams are pretty short. I haven't killed a deer with 21" beams in a long long long time. The 8 point I killed this year had 24" beams exactly. Like I said I've seen the deer in person so I have a better feeling for how big it is. 150plus is my Father. He called me on the phone, and was kinda shocked you guys only thought it was that. He told me to get on here and post better pics. I really didn't care what you guys thought that one scored, but then someone said the deer I killed looked more like 130 than 143. That kinda pissed me off, and put me on guard. I have the antlers and know what they score. lol Like I said though you guys haven't seen the deer in person. I could be off, but I don't think I am.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well why is he asking us what we think it scores if his son has seen the deer in person??? It doesn't matter what measurements I give you because they're going to add up to mid-150s which, according to you, is wrong... So what's the point?

And I still don't understand your logic on the G3s. Just because they were 11 last year doesn't mean they have to be longer than 11 a year later.


Junior Member
I never once said that mid 150's was wrong. Now your are being sarcastic....Show me one post where I said 150's was wrong. I even said in a couple posts even if he is 150's. I pleaded my case why I thought it would score over the 150's gross. Never once did I say I was 100% correct. The more you mention about the mass, and I look at it at different angles I think you are right about the beam mass. Some angles it looks bigger than other, but That is still only going to equate to a couple inches. I like to kinda get peoples opinions about things even if I would happen to think there wrong. It might sway me in one direction or the other. What i got defensive about was someone saying my deer "the 8 point" looked more like a 130 than 143 1/8. I kinda took it a little too much, and kinda got on the defensive. lol I try not to argue on the internet and thats what it felt like we were doing a little bit. Sorry if I worded things wrong, but you are definitely wording things wrong. Saying I said mid 150's was wrong.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I agree with the quorum. Gross 155 net about 145. Hell of a buck for sure and I hope one of you put a tag on him.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
This 11 gross right at 166. Net 158. With if memory serves me correctly 42 inches of mass.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I never once said that mid 150's was wrong. Now your are being sarcastic....Show me one post where I said 150's was wrong. I even said in a couple posts even if he is 150's. I pleaded my case why I thought it would score over the 150's gross. Never once did I say I was 100% correct. The more you mention about the mass, and I look at it at different angles I think you are right about the beam mass. Some angles it looks bigger than other, but That is still only going to equate to a couple inches. I like to kinda get peoples opinions about things even if I would happen to think there wrong. It might sway me in one direction or the other. What i got defensive about was someone saying my deer "the 8 point" looked more like a 130 than 143 1/8. I kinda took it a little too much, and kinda got on the defensive. lol I try not to argue on the internet and thats what it felt like we were doing a little bit. Sorry if I worded things wrong, but you are definitely wording things wrong. Saying I said mid 150's was wrong.

I'm not trying to be sarcastic. You may not have said the exact words that "150s is wrong," but your responses indicated that you did not agree with that estimate... that, based on last years shed and an 8 point you shot, it had to be bigger than that. All I'm saying is, the way you responded to our estimates came off as a bit defensive. Maybe I just took it the wrong way. If I did, sorry.

Here's what I came up with...

spread - 16"
mass - 32"
beams - 21" 21" (maybe 22.5)
G1s - 6" 6"
G2s - 7.5" 8"
G3s - 8.5" 11.5"
G4s - 4" 8"
G5s - 0" 3"

Gross 152.5"... If the beams are an inch or two longer, maybe gross 156".

Oh, and don't forget losing an inch or two after the 60-day drying time. lol jk


Junior Member
I apologize if anybody took what I was saying the wrong way or something. JBrown I was kinda acting sarcastic when I said arguing....hence the lol...... I mean I was throwing some numbers out there to show what the deer could possibly be. Like I said my guess was 165 give or take a few inches. Most likely take. lol If it grosses 160,161,162. That isn't really that far off from 156,157,158. If you actually look at my first post I said at least 160. The deer is for sure a stud for a 3.5" year old deer. Oh Jbrown the reason I am saying the G3'S are longer than they were last year is because they are. You can look at the pictures of him at 2.5, and at 3.5 and see they are longer. I'd say the minimum his G3's are is 11.5". They curve forward, and inward so much it makes them look shorter. You guys are right though. The more I look at the pictures it looks like upper 150's in the pics, but I am gonna stick with the pics don't do him justice...lol


Junior Member
Some of your guesses on the measurements, and mine aren't that far off, and some are quite a bit off. Both of his g3's are over 10" for sure IMO. I would say 12's, but I'll do 11's to be conservative. lol the beams look like 23 minimum to me. His bases, and H2's are actually pretty good. Compare them to his eyes. Some angles the H3's, ad H4's look bigger, and some angles look smaller. I might have been too generous on them, but I'd say slightly above average mass at H1'S, and h2's, and average at H3's, and H4's. For a 3.5 year old. I'm gonna revise My score to:
Main Beams 23-------23
G1's 6------5 6/8
G2's 9 4/8------9 4/8
G3's 11 ------11
G4's 4----------6 4/8
G5 ------------3
H1's 5 2/8-------5 2/8
H2's 4 6/8-------4 6/8
H3's 4-----------4
H4'S 3 6/8-------3 6/8

That still comes to 163 2/8 for me


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Heck of a nice deer no doubt!!! I grossed him right at 155" as a 6x5. I have him a 15" inside spread as well. It is very challenging for anyone to be dead on a score just by looking at pictures, no matter how many angles you have. I don't give a flip what they net anymore but my guess would be in the mid 140's which means he's OBB and that means he's a very nice buck! I'd shoot him all day long even though he might just be a 3.5 year old.

A bucks antlers change from one season to the next. Just because they have a 10" g3 one year doesn't always mean they get longer. Mass and addition of more tines may make up the extra growth as well. IMO

Goodluck with him 150+! Hope you guys get him on the ground this year or next.


Junior Member
Thanks for all the input, I will be happy if he scores in the 150s. Hope if we are lucky enough to get him on the ground he will surprise us with a 160 gross. We keep talking about how nice it would be to see him at 5.5. He could be a real monster! But if given the chance i don't think i could pass this one up!