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Trying for 1st bow deer


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I have half heartly tried bow hunting in the past 40 yrs and have cleanly missed 2 deer. But a 68 now I figure time is running short. Handgun hunting has always been my 1st love followed by shotgun and if need be muzzleloading.
Anyway I have been battling MS for the last 32 yrs and no longer have the strength in my arms and shoulders to pull a bow. I tried a crossbow but I swear I'm too clumsy and keep bumping the tree stand.
Even in my hunting tower ( my son calls it my Executive Suite as I have 2 old office chairs in it) I sound like a beer can full of stones with the noice.
In 2011 I picked up a Hickory Creek DH24 24 inch compact bow and installed a Hickory Creek Bow-Loc on it. With this outfit I can cock it like a crossbow and actually have what you might call a vertical crossbow. I know it's not eveyones idea of bow hunting but at this point in my life it's all I got left.
I can hold and shoot it just fine. So I am putting some real effort into this year. I have a good deer trail in the brush about 100 yds from the house and installing a deer stand I just picked up at the RT 127 yard sale 2 weeks ago. Matter of fact that is how I found this site as I googled to the Willshire Gunclub Flea Market and found this site.
I have permisson to hunt on a friends property and can hunt 1/2 mile from the road. I seen a real throphy there last year before dark. And I'm getting a small electric motor bike to get me back there so I plan to have fun this year and in the future as long as I can.


Staff member
Good luck Frank. I'm a bit of a "bow snob" and have let my gun hunting take a back seat to my bowhunting in the past few years. There is nothing like getting close enough to your quarry to count eye lashes and hear them breathe. I hope you are successful in your new venture. You are never TOO old or TOO young to get the bowhunting fever!!!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Frank, not going too look down on anyone who has the issues like you do as well as the age that can limit the mobility... I say get out there and use what you need too keep the fire going..... Anyone gives you grief for it tell them too go piss up a rope.....


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks guys. At this late date in life I mainly don't give a damn what some short sighted people think anymore. I do whats best for Frank and the family and don't bother anyone else. So step aside. I always thought about it this way " either lead, follow me, or get the hell out of the way".
OH I forgot I never suffer in silence. I really piss people off at times but correct is correct if you want to hear it or not.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Sounds to me that more people should be following you! I admire people who refuse to give up. I hope you get that first bow kill this year and many more bow kills to follow. Will be looking forwards to hearing about it in a few weeks. Good Luck Frank!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Sounds great Frank. I like your attitude and I'm damn glad you found the site.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I see nothing wrong with how you are going about it. I say good for you for continuing to get out there and do what you enjoy! Good luck this season. Maybe this will be the year you get it done with the bow!


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks guys for the comments. Life is good even with difficulties.
I once told a guy that a life with difficulties is still better than the alternative. He says what is the alternative. I told him dead. He looked shocked and said "OH SH*T I never thought of that". I have to bless the wife of 48 yrs for hanging in there.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
My Hickory Creek HD24 with the Draw-Loc outfit installed. Locked and loaded. Very compact.

Opps forget the toes. LOL.
One simple knob to loosen and take off the extention and it's a easy compact carry. Note the safety. There is a safety also under the arrow nock so no arrow the trigger will not fire.The outfit fits on any compound bow for those that need the help. Priced right at 189.00 for the complete kit of extention, arrow rest, and foot grip. USA made in MS.
I got very lucky on the bow purchase last year for 200.00 so have only 389.00 in the complete outfit. I sold my old PSE Foxfire crossbow for 275.00 so for 114.00 I upgraded to this outfit and I am happy and better off I feel.
Now I just need to harvest some deer.

P.S. I tried to edit my 1st post when I called the attachment a Bow-Loc but I can't edit it.
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