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Tough Days- write about it


*Supporting Member*
Well all, as you know the past few days have been tough. Well I couldnt sleep and I wrote this last night. I have never wrote a poem/song in my life. I just had an itch and started typing. Thought I would share. I shared with a few of my buddies, and they liked it. I keep tweaking it a bit but overall its just a cool thing I did IMO:

"When I was 16 I thought I met the girl of my dreams. She had beautiful stare and pretty brown hair.
I learned the difference between love and lust.
As I nursed the breakup in that pickup truck
But I'll never forget what Ive always believed

Life can change you but you can't change life.
You gotta roll with the punches that are thrown your way.
You gotta keep tossing with your buddies who are balling hay.
Cause life can change you but you can't change life.

I met this girl when I was 18.
She was the prettiest girl I done ever seen.
Spent 4 years with her with lots of ups and downs.
It ended faster than the love we found.
My heart was broke beyond belief...But I've always believed.

Life can change you but you can't change life.
You gotta roll with the punches that are thrown your way.
You gotta keep tossing with your buddies who are balling hay.
Cause life can change you but you can't change life.

When I was 23 years old,
I moved to lone star state all alone.
One day the phone rang
And I knew it all had changed.
The real love of my life,had a bad disease
My heart was breaking again
but I’ve always believed.

Life can change you but you can't change life.
You gotta roll with the punches that are thrown your way.
You gotta keep tossing with your buddies who are balling hay.
Cause life can change you but you can't change life.

I'll always love you grandma
You made me the man I am today!
A hardworking boy from the buckeye state!
I'll always try to make you proud.

Love you always from your grandson Al."

Comments are welcome, again not a pro writer just came to me and I thought Id share.


Staff member
Good stuff brother. Funny how something so simple (writing) can make you feel better. I rarely do it but when I do, I always feel much better with the situation.

I can tell you listen to country music though. You need to get you a little rock and roll to lift those spirits son!!!


*Supporting Member*
Thanks all! Well I think we got some good news today about her so thats good. She is going to have suregery but as of now cancer hadnt spread! So thats a plus!

I know this is heartfelt because this song is something I would normally never write. I just did it, and everytime I read it I swallow a bit heavier!

I appreciate the comments a lot! Hope some could relate to it as well! (my story right there)


*Supporting Member*
Well wrote Albert! Hope your Grandma gets better.

Thanks! I am really proud of this, I have shared this with a few people, and people seem really touched by it. I am not a real touchy feely guy so Im proud I came up with something original!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good stuff Al. Funny how the heart can be hardened and softened at different times and a song can provoke either feeling.