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TOO Garden Thread


spencerville oh
Do you do your own pH testing then Jake? Just curious how people go about it. Is it: Soil test tells me I need xyz. Or: Stuff is dying. Better back off next year on the leaves.

I used leaves last fall. This spring I only rototilled the raised beds. Ours are not as bad this year because of this. They are still bad though.
I check mine with the kits you buy at lowes or online through repeatable seed companies. The are pretty simple. Just picked up one at lowes last week as a matter of fact.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Well here is my garden.

As you can see there is more grass than there is garden. I am starting to see some production though. I just wish I knew how to get rid of the grass without killing the other plants.

As far as the soil goes I have started a compost bin. As that produces it will be added to the clay to try and richen it up.


Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Just give up and start a sod farm! Damn man did you put grass seed down?!?! Lol! You've got things reversed. Plants on the plastic and grass (not weeds, but nice grass like that) is a good garden. We used to do strawberries on plastic and throw down grass seed in the middle and then run the pushmower thru - now that was nice.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Just give up and start a sod farm! Damn man did you put grass seed down?!?! Lol! You've got things reversed. Plants on the plastic and grass (not weeds, but nice grass like that) is a good garden. We used to do strawberries on plastic and throw down grass seed in the middle and then run the pushmower thru - now that was nice.
that's how I have my garden set up... tilled sections with strips of grass in between for walking. it is pretty nice.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Beans and cucumbers are coming on in a hurry this year, along with jalapenos and green bells. Tomatos looks to be a week out yet or so


Put up 21 quart of beans so far with plenty still coming on...



Staff member
Looks like we will be putting in a 20x60 garden at my parent's house this year. We're a little behind on working the ground, but should have it done this weekend. I'll post some pics when we get it done. This will be my first garden. Dad always helped with theirs, but never did much on his own. Should be a learning experience!


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Looks like we will be putting in a 20x60 garden at my parent's house this year. We're a little behind on working the ground, but should have it done this weekend. I'll post some pics when we get it done. This will be my first garden. Dad always helped with theirs, but never did much on his own. Should be a learning experience!

Awesome to hear buddy!

I can't wait to get mine going! I spread some organic compost over mine this winter.


*Supporting Member*
I was just thinking it was time to start some seeds. I'm doing the bag garden again this year, with a few slight changes. Mainly moving the butternut and cucumbers far away from everything else!


Put in 100 bare root strawberry plants last Saturday and have got some tomatoes and peppers growing nicely under lights right now.
Very nice! I after planting this year I will be having a total of 7 blueberry bushes, 6 bare root grape, 4 raspberry, and about a 1/4 a acre of wild blackberries out by my foodplot. Just started my sunflowers which I will be planting for my mom because she wants super tall sunflowers on the side of the house and by the road. bought all my green bean, corn, and pumpkin seeds a couple weeks ago. I buy all my tomato and cucumber plants started though at middlefield flea market. I will be able to plant all vegetables in my 50 x 30 garden and I will be making a separate fruit garden which will be about 50 x 20. Need more room for green beans, corn, and cucumbers!


Staff member
Got a text from my old man last night that said: "Ground broke. Go big or go home. 30x60."

Here's to going big right out of the gate! :pickle:

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Got a text from my old man last night that said: "Ground broke. Go big or go home. 30x60."

Here's to going big right out of the gate! :pickle:

Heck yeah man! You will be able to get a lot of goods out of a garden that size!

Make sure you keep your rows wide enough in between to where you can get a small tiller or wheel hoe in between them when the weeds start shooting up. We planted too close together the first year and it made weeding it a gigantic PITA!