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Today's Storm


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Just got down from a pole on the east side of Mansfield just off possum run rd. when the lightning started. Got to Clear Fork and couldn't see the dang road from the driving wind and heavy rains so I had to pull off and wait a bit to finish my drive home. Tree branches and lines down all over the place. My town looks like a small bomb went off lol. I guess work tomorrow is going to suck badly and going to be busy as all get out getting things back up and running for people again. I soooo want to call off lmao


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
I got a younger cousin that is a lineman for Ohio Edison. He got called in right after the storm rolled through. I can't imagine the OT he is getting and what kind of check he will be getting next week.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Out of electric also. We should have power back on by late this evening, but AEP is saying it has 500,000 without power here and it may be up to six days before their customers have power.

This was by far the worst storm I have ever been through. Drove to Athens last night just for the hell of it, and it was amazing to see the destruction. Trees down everywhere, some on houses, and even saw two fall on vehicles that were on the road at the time.

Hope everyone is safe out there.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Sam pretty much summed it up for us up here in Columbiana county, sorry too hear about all the damage down there hopefully no injuries reported......


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
we left work in xenia yesterday, blazing sun, smoldering hot. got a few miles up the road and told the other guys in the truck,"hmm, looks like it could rain a little". by the time we hit mechanicsburg / marysville, we were in the heart of it. couldnt hardly keep the truck on the road. We came to a semi that was stopped in the road because of a tree laying down. We took a look at the tree and said, "Hell, the four of us could move that tree" So 4 crazy redneck construction workers hop of of this truck in driving rain and 70 to 80 mph wind, grab this tree and start pulling. The upper part of the tree was broke of and once we got that out of the way if freed up one lane so we continued on. only to come to another, much bigger tree a couple miles down the road.
All total I think we detoured 4 times between Marysville and marion. and the 3 more times to get from Marion to Galion.

and its raining right now here.


Staff member
It's a disaster area down here. I'm trying to clean up a monster cherry tree that feel across my driveway, then save everything I can in my freezers. Can't get gas, ice, or food down here.


*Supporting member*
It's a disaster area down here. I'm trying to clean up a monster cherry tree that feel across my driveway, then save everything I can in my freezers. Can't get gas, ice, or food down here.

Go west young man...there are a handfull of gas stations open in Athens Co running on generators. Kroger is open on E State. The Cool Spot was pumping gas last night at midnight with a line of cars backed up Rt 7. I drove to Jackson at 2:00 am with every gas can I could find when I read "5 to 7 days" on the AEP site.

From what I've seen, the damage in Athens Co is worse than the tornado that hit here in 2010...certainly more wide spread...and they said that was a 100 year event.
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Senior Member
Go west young man...there are a handfull of gas stations open in Athens Co running on generators. Kroger is open on E State. The Cool Spot was pumping gas last night at midnight with a line of cars backed up Rt 7. I drove to Jackson at 2:00 am with every gas can I could find when I read "5 to 7 days" on the AEP site.

From what I've seen, the damage in Athens Co is worse than the tornado that hit here in 2010...certainly more wide spread...and they said that was a 100 year event.

Kroger is open but the gas station is closed. Cool spot has a half mile or more line wait. Lol

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
Got hit pretty hard here in Hocking also. We have been without power at home since 6 last night. Woke up this am and made a gas run for the generator and came to work. The wife unit is holding down the fort until I get home. It's gonna be another hot mofo too!! The top of a walnut tree broke out and fell into the road when it started. I drug it out the way so cars could get through so I have that waiting on me when I get home. Good luck toozers and be safe out there!


Junior Member
sound like it hit most of the state here in darke co I lost a bunch of shingles and the top half of a 30 ft spruce tree , sounds like SE got hit harder than we did hope everyone is safe and didn't get to much damage
Still no power,landline phone or cell service for our at&t/tmobile or sprint phones in far SE licking county.We stayed one night and decided to abandon ship because we have 2 kids under 3 yr old..Our (6yr)oldest was supposed to return from his week stay at the monster inlaw up akron way.But we asked for him to stay another week due to the situation.Other then the skirting on the casa de la omo an the tin roof on the shed,the damage isn't bad..Tons of wood to cut and clear..The wife and I are tryin to stay postive and want to remind everyone to look out and try to help one and other.Take only what you need(gas,ice etc) and leave some for the next person

Together we can all get through this if neighbors help neighbors and we don't let the stress take over.


Staff member
Been out of power since 6:30 last night. I was on a chainsaw by 6:30AM and ran 5 tanks out today. I'm beat. We just left my buddies place and it's a mess out there. Literal tornado damage all down his road. Destroyed a 100 year old barn and mangled a bunch of trees. My generator is no longer making electricity, so I'm hoping it is an over heating issue. They are even starting to shut the water off in places.

This morning we drove around trying to find gas and it was a crazy experience to say the least. It has been pure pandemonium down here all day. Thankfully the local pizza shop is running ovens on generators because I wasn't using the grill after being in the heat all day!!!

This is without a doubt the craziest couple hours I have experienced around here. I've completely changed my perspective on being ready for catastrophes. I was about 75%, but my life could have been made a lot easier with some supplies!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Power came back on here this afternoon.

Coming home from work yesterday, I was about a mile from home when the storm hit. It was dark as night, and the wind & rain was so strong it was blowing my car sideways. I thought there was bound to be a tornado the way things were going. I had to go about 20 mph the remaining mile home, and even at that, I still couldn't really see the road. I just knew it was there.

Went up to check on the lady that lets me bow hunt a few miles from home today. She had no power, but her relatives just 100 yards up the road did, so they were coming to pick her up. I came back after lunch and cleaned up her yard. Ran the chain saw for a few hours while the kids piled up all the brush.

Crazy weather for sure that came through. People sure did turn into fuggin' idoits out there too!!

Hope you guys without power get things turned back on soon!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Have power here. It half the neighborhood doesn't. Dan the saw for about 3 straight hours yesterday helping the lady across the street cut up two trees that fell in her yard. I cut and the neighborhood kids drug. Hadn't ran my saw in over a year and the field line had dry rotted holes in it. Good thing husqvarna had 6 inches of fuel line inside the tank. Pulled the line off the carb, pulled out some line from the tank, cut off the dry rotted part and put it back on the carb.

My forearms and neck are sore as hell. I forgot how demanding it was running that 350 for hours on end. Lol


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
Acouple of pics of our area, spent all day yesterday helping out some of friends daughter, she had a huge tree crash through her trailer, smashed that fugger flat!! me and her dad spent all day cutting and tearing it apart, after cutting that thing apart I dont know how in the hell them things pass building code!!!

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