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this is no joke please read

there is a rapist on the loose in the central ohio area, mainly johnsville , lexington, mt.gilead , morrow county area. he has struck twice in a week

rapist is driving a moroon ford ranger he is white male , 50 to early 60 years of age ,he has been stopping people on back roadsasking for directions and knocking on peoples doors acting confused , he has really bad body odor and is believed to be homeless,he is targetting women walking by themselves on back roads
if you have any information on this person or spot him please contact richland county sherriff office

guys this is no joke , my sister was the first victim


The Crew

Sorry to here your sister was victimized, man that is bad news.
She may end up being the lucky one that survived the encounter.

If I lived closer I would help you hunt him down.
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he has struck twice in a week in the same area , i hope to god they catch him cause im gonna be waiting at the court house for his low life ass , there was also a 16 year old girl that came up missing in that area the day after my sister was attacked , her name is whitney yoder , she went to northmor
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he struck again today , they found a guy matching the description , vehicle make , and heres the kicker he was released from a mental hospital in florida , his family is from the johnsville area , the family picked him up and moved him back to johnsville , he has two sons who are both sex offenders as well as him being regeisterd as a violent sex offender in morrow county , the guy is under 24 hour survallience as we speek , im just waiting on the call from a very close friend who is a morrow county law enforcment , i get the call my ass is taking a trip


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Sorry to hear this UK

There's a special place in hell for em...

Its not necessary to say on here what needs to happen to him. We know.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
This is nuts. on the way to butler with the wife this morning to Go hunting wE got passed buy what i thought was a drunk driver. Called 911. and got hooked uP with the state highway patrol to report a maroon ford ranger. I sure hope this was the guy and this helped get them closer to catching the scmbag.u


Senior Member
Pass this onto the ladies in my life in that area....holy crap.

There's a special set of 12+1 9mm's, 6+1 380 FJs, and a shit load of 12 gauge shells if he steps on our property!

I actually said this the other week when that shooting happened, it's time to blow the fuggin bridge on 42 to stop the people from Mansfield from coming down and the next time there is one of these SOBs we need to put a posse together and lynch the fugger off of the damn monument in the middle of the square. (Bad enough that a guy in Mansi got off for raping a 12 year old girl...10 years in prison? Seriously?) MoCo was the first county in the State of Ohio to hang someone and I think we should bring it back.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
For those of you that have NOT book marked this site:


Its the search data base for the sex offenders in Ohio. (ESORN) It can be searched by county,school dist. or zip code. Watch the zip code one though. I found the zip codes screwed up in my area and found street add. w/ neighboring zip codes so there were a few closer than I thought. Most county sheriff's web pages should link to the state site.
Many have mug shots apparently taken by the probation officer, home and work add. . Some look like pervs. and some kinda surprised me and just to look, you would never have guessed. There are more women in there that I would have thought also.

front page- http://www.esorn.ag.state.oh.us/Secured/p1.aspx

currently: Total Number of Offenders: 17,944


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Yeah UK, I knew about the issues. The wife rarely goes that way without me. So sorry about your sister. I knew about it right after the first report and didn't realize it was your sister...I am so sorry. Make sure she gets some help with the mental aspect.

the first suspect had a air tight alliby , he wasnt even in the state , he was working out of state past month , but i dropped a lil birdie into the cops ears , there is a convicted rapist living with in spiting distance of where she was attacked,

my sis is doing as well as can be expected , they moved all the dogs except 2 in the house , neighbors set up cameras for her and check in every hour to make sure she is ok

he better hope the cops find him before i do