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This has gone WAY TOO far


Staff member
When I was in college, I was President of the 2nd Amendment Club for 3 years. We were accused of being a bunch of lunatic, racist rednecks with guns. In response to that, I brought in LGBT and black guest speakers to talk about gun rights. The black guy was Reginald Jones, former producer for Boyz II Men and Mariah Carey. He actually got a call from one of the guys in Boyz II Men while we were at dinner. At the time I had a Confederate flag sticker on my Jeep. As we were leaving from dinner he saw the flag and I thought "aw, shit". Dude loved it and proceeded to tell me how he supported the flag and what it truly stands for. He asked me to send him one, which I did. He send me back a Thank You note.

I support the flag and one of the "blackest" blacks I've ever been around may have loved it more than I did. All this BS is just more PC pussification of America at the hands of sandy vaginas.


Junior Member
Darby Creek
When my son was a senior in high school he was called down to the principals office and they told him he had to remove the 2 Dodge Ram decals from the rear window of his truck because the were cut from the Confederate Flag. He refused to remove them so they called the cops to the school to try to force him. He still refused....they said everyone else who had those same decals already removed them.....he said, well good for them, I am not removing mine. The told him he faced suspension if he did not remove them and gave him a day to think about it. When they called him down the next day to discuss it, my son handed them a letter from our attorney telling them to immediately stop harassing his client for exercising his constitutional right to free speech or face the consequence. They decided to rethink their position and let him keep the decals.

The worst part of the story is the whole problem arose when a young black teacher said he was offended by the decals. My wife told the administrators that she was offended when she went to a scheduled conference with that particular teacher and he never showed up. Many of his students said he stated in class that he would rather flip burgers than teach math. He said he was only there because they said he could teach gym class and coach. Now I ask you....what would you consider more offensive!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Everyone knows Bo and Luke duke were the biggest racists of all time. Seems like every episode they ride around in that car with white sheets and hoods on. Hell. I think uncle Jesse was the imperial wizard and daisy the president of the ladies auxiliary KKK. Shame on TV land for continuing to air such a racist show for the past couple decades. I mean ever episode had a black joke, burned a cross, or said the n word.

Look out Andy Griffith show you're next. Barney fife is a gun toting right wing extremist radical. I think Aunt B was a nazi too.

And how on earth could the Beverly hillbillies EVER have made it to tv with grandma condoning the illegal manufactur and sale of moonshine. And the way they made fun of those city people the dridesdales is just plain class discrimination.

Shame shame shame. I mean. Not one liberal or homosexual in the bunch. Talk about hate. Yeah. That's what's wrong with the world today. Old tv shows.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
....because there were never, ever any atrocities committed in the name of the u.s. flag... well...maybe there was that little thing with the native American indians... they didn't want the land or the wildlife or their lives any way.

How about those Egyptian pyramids? When are they gonna tear down those monuments to slavery?

This is the bleeding heart liberal puke world we live in gentelmen. There is no doubt in my mind that the vast majority of this country thinks the bullshit about the confederate flag is stupid, I looked for websites to order one from, they are out there, but all of them say they are so overwhelmed with orders right now that their manufacturers are running out of cloth to make them and that you should wait a few week to even order them. Unfortunately, our government controled, liberal media is going to beat this thing to death just like they did with Bruce Jenner. We are turning into a nation of bleeding hear whinning pussies. Become a population of sheep, the wolves won't be far behind.


*Supporting Member*
When my son was a senior in high school he was called down to the principals office and they told him he had to remove the 2 Dodge Ram decals from the rear window of his truck because the were cut from the Confederate Flag. He refused to remove them so they called the cops to the school to try to force him. He still refused....they said everyone else who had those same decals already removed them.....he said, well good for them, I am not removing mine. The told him he faced suspension if he did not remove them and gave him a day to think about it. When they called him down the next day to discuss it, my son handed them a letter from our attorney telling them to immediately stop harassing his client for exercising his constitutional right to free speech or face the consequence. They decided to rethink their position and let him keep the decals.

The worst part of the story is the whole problem arose when a young black teacher said he was offended by the decals. My wife told the administrators that she was offended when she went to a scheduled conference with that particular teacher and he never showed up. Many of his students said he stated in class that he would rather flip burgers than teach math. He said he was only there because they said he could teach gym class and coach. Now I ask you....what would you consider more offensive!

You keep an attorney on retainer for what reason? Awful fast response over a sticker on a high school kids truck. I I'm sure with all the calamity this caused there's a news link you could share on this.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
You keep an attorney on retainer for what reason? Awful fast response over a sticker on a high school kids truck. I I'm sure with all the calamity this caused there's a news link you could share on this.
I don't see why that would make the news back then. Today, maybe it would. Also, how is it any of your business as to why he has an attorney that he can call for legal counsel?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
A good question posed by Joe Rogan about flags...



Dignitary Member
Staff member
When my son was a senior in high school he was called down to the principals office and they told him he had to remove the 2 Dodge Ram decals from the rear window of his truck because the were cut from the Confederate Flag. He refused to remove them so they called the cops to the school to try to force him. He still refused....they said everyone else who had those same decals already removed them.....he said, well good for them, I am not removing mine. The told him he faced suspension if he did not remove them and gave him a day to think about it. When they called him down the next day to discuss it, my son handed them a letter from our attorney telling them to immediately stop harassing his client for exercising his constitutional right to free speech or face the consequence. They decided to rethink their position and let him keep the decals.

The worst part of the story is the whole problem arose when a young black teacher said he was offended by the decals. My wife told the administrators that she was offended when she went to a scheduled conference with that particular teacher and he never showed up. Many of his students said he stated in class that he would rather flip burgers than teach math. He said he was only there because they said he could teach gym class and coach. Now I ask you....what would you consider more offensive!

I had a similar issue with my nephew. He was called to the principals office and told he had to remove his belt buckle. A teacher took offense to it. I called the principals office and asked what the problem was. I told them it was covered under free speech and the ACLU had filed lawsuits against schools for making other students remove it. They then tried to claim it was "gang" related because a group of students were wearing it. It's a country school you idiot. Lol. So I went and got him a Mississippi flag belt buckle. He was called to the principals office and told he couldn't wear it. He told them it was a state flag. They told him he was in ohio, no Mississippi. I called the principal again and told him if Travis had to remove the buckle the principal should remove the Mississippi state flag from the cafeteria and the library because if he didn't I can only assume this is harassment and not a flag issue.

As for the teacher. She was some bible thumper. Wore a cross necklace etc. I reported her to the board and demanded she not be allowed to wear it in school. After all the KKK not only carried the confederate flag as a symbol but also a cross. Additionally more people have been murdered in the name of that cross than the name of that flag. I also filed complaints because she had made many religious references and God statements in class. I made that principal and her life hell.


Junior Member
Darby Creek
You keep an attorney on retainer for what reason? Awful fast response over a sticker on a high school kids truck. I I'm sure with all the calamity this caused there's a news link you could share on this.

Lol....Badger, the attorney is a good friend of our family and we have all used him at one time or another. I called him and told him what was happening and ask if he could write a letter for us and he did. When I went to his office to pick it up. I ask him what I owed him and he said " awe just buy me a box of cigars"

I'm not sure why you are questioning me ....it seems like you doubt my story. My wife said we still have a copy of the letter in our file somewhere so I will post it up when she has time to find it. As far as being news worthy....that would have only happened if the school system followed through on their threat to suspend.


Junior Member
Darby Creek
Ok......I found the letters but for some reason it is not letting me post the pics. Keeps saying refresh and sign in but I am signed in. Help me out someone!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Dale, help us out here. Why would you question how fast one has a lawyer at hand? Seems we need one more readily available then ever before.

News article? Why, because this was a ridiculous attack against a young white male? Its time for the new "minority" to stand up for themselves.
You keep an attorney on retainer for what reason? Awful fast response over a sticker on a high school kids truck. I I'm sure with all the calamity this caused there's a news link you could share on this.

Some times things are worth standing up for and pushing the issue. His son could have been another sheep walking off the cliff and remove the stickers OR they could have taught him a great lesson to stand up for yourself and if you need help there are those out there who can. After all the Confederate flag is just a worthless flag and so is the American flag by your standards.....