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The Wussification of America


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
With all of the political correct BS that is being spewed everywhere, I thought we could post up examples and frustrations here over the "wussification of America".
We have had the Clorado gun control thing lately where ladies are given advice to piss themselves instead of pack heat. Now this...

This isn't as extreme, but a great example. Feel free to post up examples or comments.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I can think of numerous examples of what I consider "The Wussification of America".

Little league and other youth sports- No score keeping. Everyone gets a trophy. Guess what kids? That isn't how life works. Someone HAS to lose. Why are we painting an unrealistic picture for our kids? I feel it is equally important to teach our kids to be good winners AND good losers. You know what happened when we lost a game? We worked harder!

I will stop there. I don't have time to get fired up today. Good topic though. This should end up being a mile long thread. Plenty of crap taking place in this country to wussy it up.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I can think of numerous examples of what I consider "The Wussification of America".

Little league and other youth sports- No score keeping. Everyone gets a trophy. Guess what kids? That isn't how life works. Someone HAS to lose. Why are we painting an unrealistic picture for our kids? I feel it is equally important to teach our kids to be good winners AND good losers. You know what happened when we lost a game? We worked harder!

I will stop there. I don't have time to get fired up today. Good topic though. This should end up being a mile long thread. Plenty of crap taking place in this country to wussy it up.

This is my biggest pet peeve also. I hate the everyone gets a trophy bullshit. My liberal idiot mother in law thinks I'm nutty because I make of of my nephews sports leagues that dont keep score. I also tell her in a few years that I'm gonna locate competitive leagues for my kid. Too many kids nowadays are told their a winner their whole lives then once they are out on their own they start to figure out that their a fugging loser and then decide to do stupid shit against the sytem.


*Supporting Member*
I also hate the "everyone wins" bullshit. You want to win, then you need to work hard and earn it.

In my house, if one of the kids dared to say, "that's not fair", I always told them to suck it up and get over it, life ain't fair~!

And I hate, hate, hate that our school system doesn't allow a kid to fight back and if they do, they get suspended. They have to be hit 3 times before they can fight back. Fugg that.

I tried to raise my kids not to start trouble, but don't take no shit either. When my oldest daughter got suspended for fighting, we hung out at the mall for 3 days and I told the principal that's what we would be doing! hehehe


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
One more vote for the "everyone wins" BS. That stuff drives me absolutely crazy. How does a kid grow up to realize that only hard work and dedication yields success, when they're given everything for free?

This actually goes right along with the "safety net" provided by our government for all the idiots out there spending their lives making poor choices. There are no consequences in this country anymore. You can't afford kids?... So what... Have them anyway... Uncle Sam WILL PAY YOU to have them! Don't have a job?... Nah, don't worry about looking for one... Uncle Sam WILL BUY YOUR GROCERIES FOR YOU!... and you'll have some to spare, so you can sell your free money on craigslist! Eff that noise.

You know what this country really needs?... A fuggin reset button. Take us back to a time when poor choices made you homeless, or made you starve, or killed you... and I guarantee there'd be a lot less dumbasses out there.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
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Hardin County
Agreed with all of the above.

Discipline in school and in homes makes me sick. Whipping your kids is abuse..... Schools slap wrists and wonder why kids repeatedly do the same things over and over...

I got my ass beat when I was a kid and I rarely made the same mistake twice. I will whip my son if needed and I dare someone to say a word about it. Words and timeouts only go so far...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I also hate the "everyone wins" bullshit. You want to win, then you need to work hard and earn it.

In my house, if one of the kids dared to say, "that's not fair", I always told them to suck it up and get over it, life ain't fair~!

And I hate, hate, hate that our school system doesn't allow a kid to fight back and if they do, they get suspended. They have to be hit 3 times before they can fight back. Fugg that.

I tried to raise my kids not to start trouble, but don't take no shit either. When my oldest daughter got suspended for fighting, we hung out at the mall for 3 days and I told the principal that's what we would be doing! hehehe

Yeah, that's a tough one. The zero tolerance policy can bite us in the ass in schols once in awhile. I'm sure the principal knew your daughter was not in the wrong.

To go along with the trophy thing, two years ago my boys' flag football team finished 4th out of 4 teams. They got a trophy after the consolation game. They got in the truck after and my youngest one asked, "why in the world would we get a trophy for finishing last?"

At least a 9 year old understood that he didn't deserve shit, but some adult couldn't grasp the fact that not everyone wins.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Agreed with all of the above.

Discipline in school and in homes makes me sick. Whipping your kids is abuse..... Schools slap wrists and wonder why kids repeatedly do the same things over and over...

I got my ass beat when I was a kid and I rarely made the same mistake twice. I will whip my son if needed and I dare someone to say a word about it. Words and timeouts only go so far...

Agree 100% with that one too. I got my ass whooped plenty of times as a kid... with the belt, the hairbrush, the infamous "switch," etc. and I think I turned out just fine. Timeout just doesn't translate well to a kid who's acting like a shithead.


Staff member
My daughter will get her ass beat when she deserves it. I had mine beat and it served me well. Even when forced to play in "everyone wins" athletics, she will know who won and who lost. She will also be taught to not start trouble, but to finish it if she feels it has went TOO far. If she gets suspended for knocking the shit out of some POS bully, her and I will enjoy her time off. Same goes for a son if I have one...


*Supporting Member*
Yeah, that's a tough one. The zero tolerance policy can bite us in the ass in schols once in awhile. I'm sure the principal knew your daughter was not in the wrong.

In this case, he actually apologized for suspending her as he knew the other girl started it. For awhile, those parents threatened to sue us due to the fact that my daughter ruined their daughter's chance of a modeling career! Whatever.

I will whip my son if needed and I dare someone to say a word about it. Words and timeouts only go so far...

I whipped my kids and have no trouble whipping my grandkids either, and they know it! One of my grandsons was acting horrible and I warned him that I would whip him to which he giggled, and the other grandkids immediately told him I wasn't kidding!


Junior Member
When I coached baseball for my son, I had the team chanting "Hey Batter hit it to me" and I got called out by the opposing teams coach to stop taunting them. I said are you kidding me, my kids all have their attention on the game and yours are making sand castles, chasing unicorns and rainbows, and your telling me how to coach?!... This is our generation doing this bullshit and I can't ever remember seeing any of my friends being babied but, now they seem to be doing it to thier kids. Where did we go wrong????


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
I got a little spin on the "everyone gets a trophy" BS

My oldest son was about 12 years old and playing baseball. There were 6 teams in the league. One was stacked and had only lost one game that year. Got to the play offs and my son's team made it to the final game. They end up winning. Now here's the kicker, they were so sure the other team was going to win that the trophies were already made out with the other team's name on them. So my son's team was champs but the other team got the trophies. lmao

BTW my youngest turned 21 a few months ago and I'm glad my kids are grown and I don't have to put up with the PC crap around school.
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*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
How many of you wore helmets riding bicycles when you were kids?
If you said "I'm calling children services!" how much harder did you get hit the next time?
I seem to remember going outside and playing for hours when I was a kid. Now they sit in the house playing video games and getting fat, because its "dangerous" for them to go outside where all the bad people are.
The justice system is soft. Jail dosnt seem so bad when you keep in mind you will have internet, cable, excelent medical care, all the comforts of home.

Lets face it, we live in liberal america. Everything is dangerous.


Senior Member
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Central Ohio
The Youth Sports stuff is ridiculous. But from what I've seen so far, most of the parents also feel the same way. Last fall I was actually waiting for a parent to criticize me after one of the practices. The boys (7 & 8) weren't listening. They were all wound up and goofing off. Practice was going down the tubes. Without saying a word I blew the guts out of my whistle & I stopped practice. I lined the boys up and we ran. I ran them around the field, up and down the sledding hill, made them stop and do push ups, and ran again. We did this for about 10 minutes with me yelling at the boys the whole time. They got the point, and we finished practice. Afterwards a group of Mom's actually said that coaches need to call out the kids like that more often. Totally the opposite reaction I was preparing for.

So the point of all that is to say don't put up with wussification... teach your kids right, let them stand up for themselves, discipline them, and put the PC crap aside.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
X10 on the everyone gets a trophy shit! Just look at our welfare system if you want to talk about wussification with a lot of laziness on top!!!


Senior Member
After coaching the past 2 years of softball it always cracked me up inside seeing the losing team showing up at the Dairy Queen for ice cream treats; just like winning team does. Back when I was growing up we lost, we went home.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Take us back to a time when poor choices made you homeless, or made you starve, or killed you... and I guarantee there'd be a lot less dumbasses out there.

You mean. . . . consequences for your choices? Gasp! I am appalled! lol

I agree. You made the bed. Now sleep in it.

Glad I am not alone on the trophy winning/losing crap.

"No child left behind." Wussification of America. I am witnessing it firsthand. Our nephew has been living with us the last year or so. They refuse to fail him. They continue to push him onto the next grade level. He is 12yrs old, in 6th grade, and functioning at a 3-4th grade academic level. FLUNK HIM! He is behind socially, academically, and emotionally. I don't fault him for this. I fault his screwed up drug abusing parents first, and the school system second. His parents set him up for failure. The school system enabled it. The best thing which could happen to him is for him to gain an additional year to mature and catch up academically. Wussification of America at it's finest!


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Phil, many years ago I was at the garage that did most of my car repair work. The owner, who I've known forever, was the mayor of the town. The school superintendent, who I went to church with, was there discussing Dick's son's problems at school. This really was a Mayberry moment.

Dick's son was iirc in 8th grade. Dick asked Roger " Junior got a "B" in reading, was that 8th grade reading or 4th grade reading?"
Roger said "That was 4th grade reading."
Dick "Well then he should have gotten an "F"!"
Roger "But that is the grade he earned in the class he tested into."
Dick "When he gets done with school and gets a job his boss won't give a shit what class he tested into, only whether he can read."

Always admired Dick for having that attitude and wish more people did.