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The race is on 2016/2017 rabbit season


Junior Member
Shes so small yet she did a little following along and a little sleeping in steves hunting vest. Shes still a pocket beagle lol. She is bred to be 14" but she looks pretty small to grow that big. I got a video of her ill post and link here.


Junior Member
That's good stuff DS
I'm thinking about breading one of mine.
My one dog is 14 and the other 15
They were that small once.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
Hunted between Cumberland and Cambridge on a friend of mines property Thursday and had an absolute blast. We ran 3 blue tick beagles and they ran rabbits from 10-2 non stop. I just love hearing dogs run, its amazing at how different they sound. We only shot 1 each but had a blast. Im disappointed in myself that I didn't take any pics but will the next time for sure.


Smartest person here
Linn County Iowa
We always had great luck chasing rabbits in Egypt Valley. We had one spot we called '20 rabbit hollow' that was full of them.
We also had good luck in all the cattail swamps out there, when it was froze up real good. If the cattail patch was too big though, the dogs would just chase them in circles all day in there.
Looking forward to your report!


Junior Member

Back at it again this past saturday. Steve his son and myself headed out to hunt egypt valley wildlife area.. Such beautiful country to run dogs on. We started out at a spot we have never hunted before that i scouted last sunday. Looked like a great spot, it had some pretty fresh snow covering alot of it. We spread out and worked through the whole area in a big circle. Had no sign of rabbit activity in the fresh snow. Never even got a cold track bark. So we pulled the dogs and headed to spot we have hunted last season.

Our 2nd drop was deep into a dead end road away from any sign of civilazation. We drop the dogs and head for a small brushy hill along a big strip pond. Within a few minutes Turbo jumps a rabbit at the edge of the pond and the other 4 dogs jump into back him up. The rabbit ran along the pond edge and up the hillside and somehow managed to slip by all 3 guns. Now onto lap 2 running along the path he took the first lap. This time he ran to the top of the small hill and cut across and open path and deep into the ticket on the other side where he eventully found a hole to hide in.

We gathered the dogs and decided to work deep into the old strip ground. Had a few short hole runs between then as we worked in.* About a mile from the truck we found a couple steep rolling hills with really thick cover between them. The dogs got a rabbit going in the thick middle and we stood at the top of the hill watching the middle. The rabbit ran uo the oppisite hill and over the top down to another strip pond. We moved aross to the hillside he crossed over and waited for the rabbit to cross again. Up out of the strip pond he came back to the top to cross again and steve made a one shot one kill. One buck rabbit in the game bag. As the dogs finished the track out along the strip pond i swear 50 ducks flew up out of that pond. Thought that was cool to see.

With the dogs getting a good run under there belt we ended up killing 3 buck rabbits in total all along those hillsides. We had a really good day with some great runs and finally made it back to the truck and relaxed letting the dogs cool down and do there thing. Of course my 2 cant stay out of the brush and jump another one about 60 yards from the truck and take off chasing. The other 3 dogs run to help. It was a really hard to see to shoot anywhere. After 2 and a half long laps the rabbit ran through the only clear spot i could find and i made a good shot on him and ended his run. I looked at my garmin right after i shot and the dogs were alittle over 100 yards behind him. They finished the track out and we loaded up our wore out dogs and headed home.

Another great day in the rabbit woods. We are 2 rabbits away from harvesting 40 rabbits heading into the last month of the season. Not huge numbers but a decent number.

We will probably hunt a private pine tree farm next week that is just loaded with rabbits. So we will see when the weekend rolls around. May hunt sunday as my oldest daughter has basketball tournaments at Manchester saturday. Hope im not boring everyone to death here with my ramblings. May post a short run video up of one of saturdays runs.


Junior Member
Sounds like a good day. I was supposed to hunt there a few weeks ago. We hunted a new property in the morning but ended up doing pretty good and never made it To Egypt. One of the guys I hunt with a couplet times a year grew up a few miles from there and knows it well. His father was a beagler for 40 years. I have never been there. My hunting partner leases 1200 acres in Caroll County for deer hunting. Last year we did not make it out there until last day of the year. Took about four hours to find the Rabbits once we did they were all over. Hoping to get there in the next week or two. Four rabbits we got Friday were all Bucks as well.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Can't get enough of reading about beagles in the field doing what they do best.... Post away... Always enjoy you recaps...



Junior Member
The guy i hunt with all season will be in georgia hog hunting the last weekend of february, which is when our rabbit season ends. Any of you guys wanna meet up and run dogs? Lets get make a plan. As long as you dont mind my hard headed too fast for there own darn good beagles lol.


Junior Member
I would be up for it, I have two 3 1/2
Year old females. Originally I was supposed to go to peak n peek with the family. My 14 year old just fractured his collar bone Friday ( same one he had surgery on that he broke in football 3 months ago) I think we're going to cancel the trip I will no for sure by next week.