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"The Lull"


Dignitary Member
Staff member

Yes the infamous "October Lull"... What are your thoughts? Is it here? Does it even exist?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I really don't know if it exists or not. Reason being, I rarely get to hunt enough during October to notice any kind of change in sightings. So far, my whole season has been somewhat of a lull, since about June... I've had virtually no shooter bucks on any cameras this season and I'm really starting to wonder. Are the bucks still bachelored up and feeding somewhere else? Is a neighbor throwing down corn and apples by the truckload? I don't have a clue.

A couple days ago I walked a property with a buddy of mine, and we found a shitload of deer sign. Fresh rubs and scrapes were littered up and down every fencerow. We saw a couple small bucks running together, still feeding in the dried out beans. Based on what I saw, the activity has not slowed down as of late. Now whether those rubs and scrapes are being made during daylight or not, I don't know.

My personal opinion on the October Lull, if there is such a thing, is that it's just a matter of a hunter not adapting well enough to the changing behaviors of the whitetail. The deer don't just stop moving for weeks on end... If you're not seeing them, you're not in the right spot at the right times.


*Supporting Member*
I beleave it exists, in our mind. I think it is a mind set we put our selfs in right after a new sesson opens and as it wears on and critters change and we are not prepared to change with them.


Staff member
Big bucks can be killed right now, but I'm not in the position to make it happen. For me, the "lull" is a great time to relax, prep, and finish up some honey-do's. I don't have a pattern I trust right now and the conditions to hunt the places I think Moe could be killed from, are horrible. I rather not push things and let him experience a "lull" in terms of pressure, than me force things and screw myself for when I know he can be killed. It's a matter of perspective IMO...


Senior Member
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Southeast Ohio
I think it has more to do with the heat and big bucks not moving early in the day due to the heat. The cold weather gets them up on their feet and moving. I think the "lull" is just a term used by hunters as an excuse for why they aren't seeing the big boys yet...


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Never really heard of it.

Seems to me it could be attributed to hunters not being in the woods.
The opener comes in, everyone is in the woods for the first week or so, then they relax a bit waiting for the leaves to start coming off and for it to cool down.

The present lull has to do with the heat. I dont feel much like going to the woods right now, taking advantage of the nice weather to get some stuff done round the house.

good thread though. interested in seeing other more experienced guys opinions.


Coshocton, OH
Here is my opinion on the lull-
I think when the season opens deer are unpressured and in predictable summer patterns. Hence more big bucks still being on their feet well before dark. After week one of the season passes, it seems as if the big bucks smell a little more of an unfamiliar scent in the woods, know they are being pursued, and this leads to them wising up and not showing til after dark or leaving those same food sources they used to visit early each evening. I am not saying they are not killable now or not still around where they have been. I just think they are now extremely leery and dont make the mistakes they will in 2-3 weeks from now. Just my opinion on what I have observed the past few years hunting hard to this point of the season. I am pumping the breaks now and backing off til it gets closer to the end of October.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
I haven't logged my hunts and kept stats long enough to really draw a conclusion, but I will share what I have for last year.

October 2010 - I averaged .625 deer per hunt and .25 deer per hour in the stand
November 2010 - I averaged 2.2 deer per hunt and .47 deer per hour

I was talking to Joe the other day about how I have been skunked on every morning sit this year. Looking back at last year, I shouldn't be suprised. I had a ton of action opening weekend of 2010 and then nothing the month of October to speak of. Come November though, it was a different story.

So is there a lull? I don't know. Based on the limited data I have from my own experience, perhaps. 5-10 years from now I will have a better answer :)

Big H

Senior Member
I Are the bucks still bachelored up and feeding somewhere else? Is a neighbor throwing down corn and apples by the truckload? I don't have a clue.

My personal opinion on the October Lull, if there is such a thing, is that it's just a matter of a hunter not adapting well enough to the changing behaviors of the whitetail. The deer don't just stop moving for weeks on end... If you're not seeing them, you're not in the right spot at the right times.

Pretty close to my opinion too. Bucks only have 2 things on their mind right now, bedding up where they feel safe, and food. If you are hunting in between the two, you should see bucks. Food sources are changing at this time of the year, beans are drying up, acorns are dropping etc.... Whether they are moving before/after hunting hours is another thing, but they still have to eat. JMHO
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Combination of things. I think one thing nobody has mentioned just yet is the fact we have leaves blocking views right now. Give it 4-8wks and we will physically be able to see a little more. Look at the temps too. 81 for a high tomorrow? The bucks aren't quite thinking with their peckers just yet. They are sensing some pressure they haven't seen much of during the summer (on most properties). Crops are mostly up still. Talked to a farmer tonight and he said they are starting to pick beans. Take all these factors into consideration and there is your "lull". I do believe they will move more in the next couple weeks just because of the seeking/chasing, but right now I am thinking the signs (rubs/scrapes) we are seeing are happening at night or first/last light.


Senior Member
From what I have read and watched from the wensels, The lull is mostly created from the deer not having to move to find food. The deer are eating the leaves as soon as they fall before they get too acidic. Im sure there are other reasons for it as well but this one hasn't been brought up yet.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Personally, I think its the temps. When our season opens, deer are just starting to get their winter coat. By the second week of October, most of them are filling in pretty quick. I really think things slow down because they are too warm and miserable to move much. A little cool snap usually gets them right back up. It usually cools off around Halloween.:smiley_crocodile:


Senior Member
Kingston, OH
Could possibly also be the full moon that runs through the middle of October? Moving more during the cooler night temps and holed up through daylight hours.


Senior Member
The lull in my area seems to coinside with the leaf drop. There is less concealment in the woods and the deer go into hiding mode, especially the does. I will see more young bucks on their feet after this said lull that begins around October 20th until Halloween.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I believe it does exist but big deer can still be killed. Warm weather is a negative variable that contributes to less movement but if you're in the right place at the right time you can draw blood on a pig. There are big deer killed every year during the "lull" but just not as many as prior too or afterwards. The full moon phase we're about to endure ain't helping either. DANG! Good thread Joe!


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
starting to buy into the whole october lull thing. deer that were showing up on camera at 4 in the afternoon 2 weeks ago are now appearing at 1 or 2 in the morning.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I just skimmed an article in Field and Stream tonight waiting my turn to get a haircut. It said the October Lull does not exist. Said we as hunters are just idiots and don't know where to find the deer. Supposedly had radio collared deer tracked and the mature bucks are moving even more during the said "October Lull". Claims they are not hitting the fields as much and we need to get into the woods. Seems the deer are devouring acorns and browse available in the woods right now which is more available. Claims their home range is quite small but is increasing each day until the rut is in full swing. Hmmm? Solutions it gave were to do plenty of midday scouting for acorns and deer sign but to stay out of the bedrooms as much as possible. Also said to move stands, do your scouting on warm dry days with a strong wind to clear out your scent, and go find the bucks. What do you think? I am sure I missed some key points as the kids were with me and I was just skimming it, but this is the basic answer they gave.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm betting with cooler temps this week, we'll start seeing more deer on the move a little more. Still, there is food everywhere right now, and they will bed in places they won't in November due to there being more cover. Essentially too, if you are hunting in the woods now, a deer has to be almost in range before you can see 'em. The ones you'll see from 100 yds in November, you aren't going to see now. Having said all that, it's still worth going!


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I think it has something to do with the diminishing cover as the leaves come off. I sat in hang on stand yesterday for the first time since opening weekend. A couple weks ago i had plenty of cover, but now with most of the surrounding leaves off I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. I could see much farther than before but I'm sure I could also be seen from farther away. A month ago the deer were moving through this area in the morning. two weeks ago it changed to early evening, as of last week it has become late night. Thinking about pulling the stand and moving it further back into the woods.