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Team 6


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Anybody been getting out? My son was involved in a car accident a couple weeks ago and totaled his car. It wasn't his fault and the other persons insurance has been dragging their feet. So I have been his ride home from work and haven't been able to get home till after 6:00. Hopefully they get something done soon so I can do a little after work hunting before the time change.

We both have a class tomorrow morning so it looks good for getting out for an evening sit before the rain moves in saturday.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
I went out last night on the tail end of a massive rain storm that lasted 2 days. I assume it's the same storm you guys had a few days ago. I was hoping to capitalize on the rain stopping and a cold front moving through but i got skunked. I'm hoping to get out for a couple of sits this weekend.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
Anybody have anything exciting to report? I've been out the last 3 evenings and no luck. Saw a few does Friday but nothing came in to shooting range. I believe the October lull has settled in to NH. I'll be spending this week getting my stuff ready to go to Ohio. My buddy and I will be leaving next Monday for a 12 day trip. Only 7 days will be hunting. We will scout 1 day and always plan on 2 days out and 2 days back home. It's about 15 hours but it makes it easier to break it up over 2 days.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Congrats again dave, he's a nice buck man! Hopefully we won't leave ya hanging and help ya out on the team score. Dad and I hung a stand yesterday in a new spot we never really ventured to. It's one of those spots where it just looks deadly, there's trails and crossings everywhere, and good signs of old scrapes and rubs. Needless to say, next weekend when it's 30 degrees, I'll be in it. I've only made it out once so far this year.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
I may get in one more hunt this week before leaving for Ohio on Monday. Looking at Thursday afternoon. Suppose to have a cold front move through Wednesday night. After that I won't be back in the woods for a week or so.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Lol...I'm pretty much computer illiterate, I couldnt, for the life of me, figure out how to put all the pics for the contest in one post... It took 6 posts, but I got them all entered.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Managed to get him butchered and in the freezer last night. Got quite a bit out of him. Found out he had a broken lower rear leg. He must have done it when he was a year li g because it was "healed" the bone was crooked and about twice the thickness of the other normal one, but it was mended and solid.
I haven't had a cam out this year, but I might have something from previous years, I'll have to look.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Good deal Dave. Time to make some sloppy doe and jerky now! I know the weather won't be perfec, but I plan on having a few sits this weekend. I can't stand not being out there, and beings I've only hunted once so far, it's killing me. Good luck teammates!


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
I'll be meat hunting for the first few days. Freezer is empty at home. Temps are supposed to cool off Sunday so then I'll be looking for the bucks to start cruising.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Next weekend I'm really gonna buckle down and hunt hard. Halloween us saturday, so I'll probly do an all day sit that day. Good luck fellers, it's gonna get good here really soon.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
I struck out in Ohio boys. Just was no movement the last week. Only saw 3 deer and no does. I'm headed home today. Our black powder season starts Saturday and rifle starts 11/11. Between the two seasons I'll have 5 straight weeks to gun hunt. Hopefully I can put some points on the board then.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Sorry too see you strike out AJ, but I hope you at least had a great time and got too enjoy meeting Brock and famous Mason.....