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Team 3 - Dirtnap


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
Yeah. They use to be gun only hunters but when the farm I hunt went bow only they decided they are bow hunters now. They plow right through the bedding area to get to their stands on the other side of the farm. They also lied to the landowner last year and signed 11 people on 1 slip. After last year I didn't think they would be back. I even asked the landowner a couple weeks ago when I got my slip signed if that crew was coming back and he told me they wouldn't be back and that he had gotten them tossed off one of the other properties they had last year and did the same thing to that landowner. They bump deer all over and they shoot at everything that comes in range. Usually the young deer that don't know anything yet. Screws me up every year.

Last year they seen me getting my hunting gear on while I stood in the pasture getting ready. They hurried up and parked just off the road and bailed out of the truck like the cops was after them lol. The one guys stand is between 2 of my stands and he wanted to get in there before I could. Just a plain dick move. I have no love for them and wish they would just leave.

Damn thats rough. Hope everything work out


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Have you notified the PO that they are back? Sorry to hear about this man. Good luck

That's the next step. Just have to work it into a conversation so I don't look like I'm the problem child. It's always a tip toe with landowners. Don't want to be the guy that always brings up issues because they could say screw it and toss everybody out or they could toss just you out because you can't get along with others or they could toss that group out again and have me keep an eye on them. It's really a touchy situation and you kind of have to play it by ear sometimes. Hate being in this position every year lol.


An odd year going on for sure. Nothing moving around here either. I'll be out Wednesday and try for Thursday but that's a little iffy.

Same for me, some of my hunting is not far from you. I got people putting on up multiple stands on property lines on multiple properties that I have been hunting for years. This shit gets worse every year. literally Ass holes driving trucks out to the edge of 40 acre woods in western Ohio. These deer ain't stupid and we aint hunting 1000 acres in southern ohio lol


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Same here John.

Brian, the guys that I'm having and issue with are the ones that got the landowner to get rid of gun hunting the property. They use to be gun only hunters but when there was truck loads of guys gun hunting out there they had enough. These guys decided since they couldn't gun hunt it anymore they would become bow hunters all of a sudden. They set stands on property lines and right on trails and bow hunt like they did when gun hunting and pushing the woods. They don't care who is where or how they get to their stands. They shoot at everything that comes into sight. Button bucks, yearlings that have just lost their spots,and the occasional good deer that wonders past. They shot a decent 8pt last year that would have been an awesome buck this year or next. They never found it.