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Talking hunting with others?


Senior Member
Do you guys ever talk to somebody at a store or out somewhere, and get a look of "you don't know what you're talking about" , because you don't look like a hunter or what you are driving? I get it all the time..


Dignitary Member
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Up Nort
Well, I drive a Korean mini van and listen to death metal. I've had five dead deer in that thing so far. :smiley_arrogant:


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
It was the reverse for me last week. I was in an aquarium store talking to the owner / operater about trading a treestand for a fishtank. turns out hes a hunter too. didnt look like he was into that kind of thing at all but ya never know.


Senior Member
I always like it when they don't know the degree that you hunt ~~ And they try to Bull-Shit ya about hunting.

I love that one.. Or when they forgot they told you the story before and the deer keeps getting bigger with more and longer tines..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I like it when i pop into Walmart to grab something quick and wander down the hunting aisle. You catch a couple rednecks in there and it is always a 16 or 18 pointer they are chasing. "I seen it last week when I was driving. It crossed the road in front of muh truck and it had 16pts!"

My wife just reminded me of a conversation we had with her Mother the last time they were here. She was trying to talk hunting with me or at least trying to be considerate and talk about deer because she knows I love to hunt. With her attempt to make small talk comes the question of how do they protect their fawns. Where do they birth? Then out comes the mother (in law) of all questions: "Do deer go in caves to have their babies?" Fortunately, I didn't have to answer this one. My wife stepped in and said very sarcastically, "Yeah mom, because we have sooo many caves around here. The deer have GPS and know where they all are." lmao
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Do you guys ever talk to somebody at a store or out somewhere, and get a look of "you don't know what you're talking about" , because you don't look like a hunter or what you are driving? I get it all the time..

You mean because a lot of us on TOO do not wear camo in public and carry ourselves in a different manner then yes happens to me all the time. The trad crowd never sees me coming and most dont believe that I build my own arrows and bows until I show them.


Dignitary Member
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Licking Co. Ohio
That brings a laugh Hicks.......... I am never amazed at how many 14 and 16 pointers are running around. I've got one 14 point on camera in 6 years.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Or they saw a 200" deer.

True. Can't believe we forgot that bit of info. 200" 16-18pt. Funny thing. Talking to a guy a few years ago at Menards while looking at stands. He is telling me where he hunted. Cool, right around the corner from me. Starts telling me about 160-180" deer in there. Fast forward a year later and my buddy buys the property. Umm. . . 160-180"? 2 years of running cams and hunting the property and I am here to tell you the biggest deer out of there was in the 150s. Some really nice 130-140" deer there. Don't get me wrong. But when people start mentioning several 160-180" deer on a property around here I start questioning their scoring abilities. lmao


Senior Member
I like it when you have seen the deer, and it is a 140 8 pt, and they make it to be 185" beast with 20" tines.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I like it when you have seen the deer, and it is a 140 8 pt, and they make it to be 185" beast with 20" tines.

Thats pretty typical arund me. I just always think, its not everyday someone has physically seen a 180-200" deer in person. I know I sure havent except at the shows or in a magazine.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
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Hardin County
Haha "booner" is the most commonly used word by the guys around me to describe anything bigger than 130" inches... when fact is, 95% of them probably have never seen a legitimate booner on the hoof!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
C'mon Mountaineer. You really think I would have given you a hard time on that one? lmao