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Sighting In With Middle Reticle...Your Opinion

I believe that the three reticle scope on my WR Warrior is wreaking havoc on my arrow placement when shooting at a deer. I am either aiming with the wrong line or snap shooting without really concentrating on which line is where on the deer. What ever I'm doing it is not good. I looked into a new scope with just a single duplex reticule, but found nothing I really wanted.

All my shots from the stand I hunt are between approx. 9 and 22 yards. Most I would say are around the 15 to 18 yard area. I am pondering sighting in at 15 yards using the middle reticle. Would doing this help to make my amount of error less than having my bow sighted in at 20 yards with the top line. Or am I trying to fix "MY" issue with my equipment rather than working on my self discipline while aiming.

I haven't tested my sighting in at 15yards with the middle reticle theory yet. Does this idea sound reasonable or outlandish. Opinions please.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Sight the top cross hair in at 15. Then test where it’s at 10 and 20. That’ll mess up any 25+ yard shot though. You would have too Kentucky windage for those.
You’ll be basically eliminating the other two reticles at that point.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sight in using the top reticle, like it's designed. If you're getting confused by the reticle when shooting at a deer, you're not taking your time and focusing on the task at-hand. Just my opinion. The scope and reticle is not the problem.
Sight in using the top reticle, like it's designed. If you're getting confused by the reticle when shooting at a deer, you're not taking your time and focusing on the task at-hand. Just my opinion. The scope and reticle is not the problem.
You probably hit the nail on the head. I am sighted in now at 20 yards with the top reticle. I'll check my zero before I hunt this coming week to be sure the zero hasn't changed somehow. I highly doubt that it has. Like I said I may be trying to fix my problem with my equipment instead of fixing me. I've never had a problem with target panic or actually getting excited when shooting at game. I've only had this issue after I started to use the multi reticle scope.