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Sewer blocked by large pooh


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I'm not joking

This is NO surprise to me, as the wastewater treatment environment is my world of work.

Women are the largest polluters of the wastewater systems with hair balls, pads, plugs, applicators, panty hose, underwear, hair brushes, etc. There are easily 10 to 1 items found in the screens and/or pumps of feminine products vs. male products, like condoms. I've found everything from cash money to a shank that was flushed from a prison system inspection.

One time our flows completely stopped and several customers called in to complain about not being able to flush their toilets. This was in the dry summer months, when the flows were down...not a post rain issue. It turned out that the prisoners were bored and managed to flush an aluminum baseball bat with 11 bed sheets tied together like kite tails. The ball bat got caught on a turn in the sewer system and the "kite tail" of bed sheets formed a tampon like wad that blocked off the entire system.

One of our guys tied a rope to the ball bat, gave it a jerk and the backed up flow ripped through like an overnight flood.
Unbelievable, but it happens!

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