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Scent smoker set up?


Senior Member
Alright so my typical method is to either hang em and smoke em the night before or if time doesn't allow I smoke em as I get dressed before the hunt. What I'm thinking of doing is getting a Rubbermaid and cut a hole in the side. Then put the clothes in, put the lid on and smoke it up then duct tape the hole and leave em in there overnight. Anyone else do this? Also what could I use to get a better seal for the lid of the Rubbermaid to keep it air tight?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
You need no extra seal. And if possible, make your hole cover out of 2" electrical tape (You can also make regular electrical tape 3-4 layers wide. It will stick and un-stick better than the duct tape. I personally smoke my clothes before every hunt but smoke the tub every once in awhile as well.


Staff member
I have a tote for transporting my clothes. Has the hole in the side and all. Most of us have one. I stopped presmoking my clothes last year and only smoke up before a hunt. Saves me a step and works just as well IMO.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
If you smoke them good before your hunt and keep in a tote so they don't get aired out, you will see the tote start smelling smoky real fast.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
There are as many options on smoking your gear up as there are people using it lol.... I have a lot of extras in my tote that I leave there too help hold he smoker scent longer in the tote... I smoke my gear up in the tote every other time out for a normal hunt if I do an all day hunt or do a lot of walking around after a hut then I'll do it before I go back out.... But I have never pulled me gear out of the tote and felt it was needing more smoke.....


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I stopped pre smoking as well, other than if it's something new, like my bibs the other night. Plus, that tote will get gunked up with smoke residue & perhaps mess up your clothing.

I also stopped pre smoking. I smoke up each layer as I put them on before a hunt and store them in a tote after each hunt.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I pre smoke my gear only for the first hunt of the season. After that I just hit it with fresh smoke every other hunt unless it's hot out and I sweat then I will smoke every hunt when I get to the hunting\parking area.


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
If you are worried about the smoke seeping out of the container, just turn it over once you close the lid, then add the smoke.


Junior Member
I have an old pantry cabinet that I put outside under a overhang, drilled a hole on the side down low so the bee smoker end fits in it. As i am getting ready to go hunting I start up the smoker and lean it up against the hole to fill it with smoke. I have noticed that the inside smells like smoke pretty good but still do it each time before I go hunting


Senior Member
I ran a piece of foam weatherstripping around the top edge of the tote so when I snap the handles it makes a nice tight seal over the lid.

yeah that's what I was looking for last night. I think i'm going to get that to seal it but I don't think i'll be smoking up my clothes in the tote.
I still pre-smoke everything if I can. I hung a clothes rod in the back of the pickup cap, put the critical components (hat, glove, facemask) on hangers right above the smoker and less critical further away. I have a big ammo can that has the steel lid I position and get the smoker fired up and set it on that. Close the back of the truck and let it go for the night. My ritual for the week I was down is after my evening hunt would smoke them up and put them in storage containers that night OR a couple times I did leave them hang in there til morning, then the morning of I would fire up a small batch for my hands, hair, bow, etc. for a quick once over.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Before the hunt every time for me. Main reason is I have fresh smoke on the gear, but more importantly I am smoked up. This is after a scent free shower. I always hit the release, bow, binoculars, range finder, bottoms/insides/outsides of my boots, and usually smoke gloves/facemask then stuff them into a pocket. Just my method.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Just keep in mind, if you do try & seal up your tote too much, you'll be cheating yourself out of the wonderful aroma....lol. Sometimes I keep my tote in the back of the truck & last year one time when I was at wally world, a guy was walking buy & asked if I had been smoking up some food lately, as I had the tailgate down ....lol.


Senior Member
Just keep in mind, if you do try & seal up your tote too much, you'll be cheating yourself out of the wonderful aroma....lol. Sometimes I keep my tote in the back of the truck & last year one time when I was at wally world, a guy was walking buy & asked if I had been smoking up some food lately, as I had the tailgate down ....lol.

haha yeah I have a cover on the back of my truck and typically throw my smoked up clothes in the back and everytime I open the tailgate it smells like a wood furnace in there lol I love the smell!